| - Published in StoryStar 2015 Swift winds blowing, sun blazing like the start of summer, life moving as if no one cared to know why. Young boy raised to realize life is a test and dreams are all he has. Who said dreams are to be chased? who said one can't focus on reality while indulging on life's fantasies?? Like any boy raised in a normal household, life was said to be success first and fun after. Growing up in the ghetto, having no friend but only his kid brother and his parents as the people to talk to, it all seemed to be unfair. At the age of 6 he got sent to a primary school nearby where he met a lot of people who seemed to be more mean than friendly, we all know how kids can be right? As he progressed with his life at school, books became his best friend. he came to understand why mo
| - Published in StoryStar 2015 Swift winds blowing, sun blazing like the start of summer, life moving as if no one cared to know why. Young boy raised to realize life is a test and dreams are all he has. Who said dreams are to be chased? who said one can't focus on reality while indulging on life's fantasies?? Like any boy raised in a normal household, life was said to be success first and fun after. Growing up in the ghetto, having no friend but only his kid brother and his parents as the people to talk to, it all seemed to be unfair. At the age of 6 he got sent to a primary school nearby where he met a lot of people who seemed to be more mean than friendly, we all know how kids can be right? As he progressed with his life at school, books became his best friend. he came to understand why most things happen like they happen when they happen. He seemed to not care for much of the excitement that was around him, but only his books. As he was doing grade 5, he came across a pretty young, smart girl, who also had more focus on her books than on the exciting life, named Lizzy. Beautiful name it was. Same year he met Lizzy, his kid brother also started school. he didn't pay much attention to his kid brother as he was too charmed by Lizzy. His parents started interferring and asking him to treat his brother well, but like a basketball those words kept bouncing on his ears. what was it about Lizzy that had the young boy stupid?? she had something he never actually had, love. By grade 7 they made a decision to go to the same high-school, they were clearly involved without even saying it. His kid brother become friendly with Lizzy, he didn't have it in him to tell his kid brother that Lizzy was more than a friend to him. It's scientifically proven that opposite attract. Lizzy was a good girl, and he was good too, his kid brother was a little bad although he knew where to draw the line. Too obvious it was, Lizzy began to hang out with his kid brother more than she hung out with him. He became jealous, he wanted to stop them but he didn't have the guts, he never knew love and he was scared of expressing it with words. Lizzy and his kid brother became lovers. his mind and heart stood still. what was happening to him, why was life so unfair on him? He had to make a plan, he loved Lizzy too much to just let it go. As a great believer of "Actions speak louder than words" he began buying Lizzy gifts, expensive gifts for that matter, with the money he stole from his parents. His parents became aware that he was stealing their money but they were not sure why. He later confessed to his mother thinking that she, as a mother, as a woman, would be soft and understanding. She became furious. She gave him a lightning strike slap on the face and like a baby, he cried and cried and cried. Luckily, he wasn't a one plan man, he had an alternative. He was willing to take his brother out of the picture, therefore he would get Lizzy and his parents love all to himself. He had totally run out of his mind if you ask me. He went through with the plan, bought a knife and gun from a desperate thug, waited for the right moment, and as he and his brother were left alone with the house while their parents went out to dinner, it was his time to put his plan to action. He had to make it look like an accident. stab him and make it look like he stabbed himself by mistake and act like a hero who arrived late on the situation. He stabbed his kid brother twice on the chest and took it to the stomach, god knows what demonic thinking had come to the boy's mind. He had killed his brother. His parents arrived and with tears pouring down his mothers face they asked what happened. He looked at his mother again with hope that she is soft, she's a woman, she'll understand and said "I was in my room and the next thing I know I found him laying dead right there with a knife in his hand". His mother showed to believe him this time, could it be the pain she was going through that was clouding her judgement? his father knew there was a fish in a tin of baked beans. he contacted the police and they took the boy for questioning. He was still young, he couldn't handle the pressure the police officers were putting on him with a lot of questions so he confessed to his brother's murder. It was a shock to his mother, a shock to Lizzy, but no shock to his father. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison but killed himself after a year in prison because no one seemed to care about him anymore. What a beautiful woman could do without even knowing it...Lizzy