| - Also known as Ringwraiths, Black Riders, or just the Nine, the Nazgûl are what you get when you give nine perfectly ordinary mortal kings each a ring of overpowering evil. Tend to dress in black robes, screech a lot, and be extremely hard to kill, what with being dead already. Taking on a Ringwraith is a Very Bad Idea. In Suefic, Sues are sometimes daughters of Ringwraiths, notably the Witch-king of Angmar, who is the leader of the Nine. Agent Diocletian was one such before she was . It's also not unknown for badficcers to create an Extra Ringwraith.
- I Nazgûl, noti anche col nome di Spettri dell'Anello, sono i più fedeli servitori dell'Oscuro Sire. Un tempo erano degli Uomini che furono corrotti da Sauron, che gli diede degli Anelli del Potere rendendoli suoi schiavi. Cessarono di esistere con la sconfitta dell'Oscuro Signore nel 3019 TE, anche se probabilmente torneranno il giorno della Dagor Dagorath assieme a tutti i servitori del Male.
- The Nazgûl are the highest servants of the Dark Lord. They are former Mannish Kings of the Second Age, originally noble and stalwart rulers, but were corrupted by the gifts the Dark Lord gave to them: the Nine Rings of Men.
- The Nazgûl or Ringwraiths or The Nine (also known as Black Riders) are servants of Sauron in J. R. R. Tolkien's classic Middle-earth writings and the quaternary antagonists of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy alongside their leader, the Witch-King of Angmar.
- Nazgûl, Ringgeister, auch Úlairi genannt. (Úlairi ist die Quenya-Übersetzung, Nazgûl die Übersetzung in der Schwarzen Sprache für das Wort "Ringgeister".) Bezeichnung in der englischen Originalfassung: Ringwraiths, Black Riders
- Die neun Nazgûl (in der Schwarzen Sprache für Ringgeister), auch Schwarze Reiter genannt, waren die mächtigsten Diener Saurons und an seine Macht gebunden. Dunkelheit war um sie her und sie schrien mit den Stimmen des Todes. Einst waren sie Könige der Menschen, bis sie von den Ringen der Macht korrumpiert und zu Saurons furchteinflößenden Dienern wurden. Sie waren an seine Macht gebunden und kamen zu ihm, als er wieder erstarkte. Jedoch kamen sie auch alle um, als der Eine Ring zerstört wurde und damit Saurons Macht erlosch. [[Datei:Nazgul_1.png|thumb|Fünf der Nazgûl auf der Wetterspitze]]
- De Nazgûl ( ook wel Ringgeesten, Zwarte Ruiters genoemd) waren slechte dienaren van Sauron in Midden-Aarde. Ze dienden Sauron tijdens de Tweede en de Derde Era.
- The Nazgûl were once nine great powerful Men, all of whom were given Rings of Power by Sauron. Sauron meant and achieved the goal of corrupting the powerful Nine. The Nine took them and used them to achieve great power, wealth and prestige in life. But as time passed, the Rings continued to exert their corrupting influence. The Rings eventually left the kings spectral, invisible to all but those who could see into the wraith world, and slaves to the will of Sauron. Their lives and power became bound to Sauron's via the One Ring; as Sauron grew or diminished in power, so too did the Nazgûl.
- Il Nazgûl solitamente viene ricordato dai bambini come il tizio col mantello nero senza faccia che fa tanta paura. Lo psicologo ufficiale della squadra di chi-ha-paura-dell'-uomo-nero della terra di mezzo, che ha adottato il soprannome di Nazgûl dichiara che in realtà sono dei bravi ragazzi, hanno solo avuto una carenza d'affetto da parte della madre, e pertanto sono diventati cacciatori di Frodo.