About: The Zoologist   Sponge Permalink

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  • The Zoologist
  • The Zoologist possesses superhuman strength, enabling him to lift up to approximately 100 tons under standard conditions. When mimicking the strength of other animals and adding on to his own, his strength can become virtually incalcuable. Also, when he lets loose of all inhibitions and goes completely feral, his strength also skyrockets.
  • Good
  • *The Zoologist was originally named the Animal Man, whom Brad Dotson created in between his 6th grade and 7th grade years of middle school. Later he was called the Animal Master, then just the Animal, and finally today the Zoologist.
  • *The Zoologist's real name, Alan, was in homage to his creator, Brad Dotson's middle name.
  • *The Zoologist is owned and copyrighted by Bradley Dotson.
  • The Zoo, the planet Animalia; the Hero Hood, Queens, New York City, NY, mobile
  • The Zoologist possesses long dirty blonde sideburns on both sides of his face; yellow eyes with vertically-slit blue irises/pupils; long, razor-sharp, elongated canine teeth; enlarged hands and feet; claws in place of fingernails and toenails; webbed hands and feet; pointed ears; feathers, scales, fins, and fur on both arms and legs; closeable gills on both sides of neck; and a pair of insectoid forewings and hindwings on back. However, this is only for his original, unchanged/altered form and can alter any of these features when he changes form at will.
  • Married
  • 1950.0
  • ::*Grace: An avid animal rights activist chosen by the Zoologist to become a defender of the animal kingdom, Virginia Grace possesses superhuman agility, reflexes, and equilibrium, the ability to control the emotions of any animal, and the ability to destroy any form of vegetation, no matter how dangerous, poisonous, or deadly it may be, and convert it into power, energy, or vitality. Member of the Pack. Fell in love with fellow member the Shell.
  • The Love of His Life Many decades later, while traveling through the wilderness of Canada, Douglas stumbled upon a young woman who was taking photographs of nature. Immediately entranced by her beauty, reminding him of Allison, he secretly followed her for several hours and watched as she began taking photos of a young Kodiak bear cub. However, he was forced into action when she was attacked by the mother. He defended her and simply mentally demanded the bear to leave with her cub. The young woman, frightened to death, fainted. Bringing her to a cave, he kept her warm while she recovered. Soon enough, the young woman awoke, only to panic at the sight of Alan and quickly ran away. Alan attempted to follow her and tried to calm her down but soon decided to let her leave.
  • Settling Down and Stepping Up === After years of fighting crime, the Zoologist realized it was time to settle down for a while. The Zoologist and the Pack retreated to a dimension outside of time and space where he used his incredible power to create an entire planet, which he proclaimed Animalia. He created an enormous fortress called the Zoo and proceeded to collect one specimen of every species of animal in existence, past, present, and future. The Zoologist, being a respected member of the scientific community, has also made contributions to mankind, mostly revolving around the animal kingdom, having helped Lego Lad develop and discover a special formula of unknown atomic nuclei and electrons that “evolve” and “adapt” to the environment around them, developing it into a fabric that superhuman beings can wear to conform to the wearer’s body .
  • The Revenge of Professor Phineas P. Pines However, things were to take a turn for the worst for the two when, back in South America, the Professor had just finished regenerating after many decades and quickly sought revenge. Sending a telepathic message to the entire Earth’s vegetation, he utilized them in searching for the Zoologist, and easily found him, along with Chelsea. Devising yet another terrible plot, he telepathically animated the vegetation in the surrounding area of the couple and commanded them to kidnap Chelsea in the dead of night and bring her to him. The Zoologist then received a telepathic message from Phineas, who had decided to call himself the Botanist in response to reading Alan’s mind and learning of his new persona. Challenging him to one final showdown in New York City, the Botanist revealed that he had kidnapped Chelsea and planned to kill her and make Alan suffer for all the years wasted because of him. The Zoologist, devastated and enraged, traveled to New York City, contemplating how to fight him. When he arrived, he was startled when he saw the city was no longer a city but a literal urban jungle, devastated with trees and vines engulfing skyscrapers and monuments.
  • ::*The Fisherman: A master fisherman and Olympic-level swimmer and diver from Japan that met the Poacher during his travels. Aoi befriended him and joined his Trophy Hunters shortly after he created his armored suit designed for capturing prey underwater, including animals as large as whales.
  • Alan thanked the panther, but the panther paid no attention, instead glimpsing at a gigantic ruby gem, the Gem of Faunos. Alan realized this and was astonished at the mystical artifact. As Alan approached the gem, he could see the animal kingdom within. Entranced by the beauty he saw, he was enticed to touch it, and was reborn. The artifact released a strange red form of mystical radiation that bombarded Alan and slowly began to transform him. His body, mind, and spirit became connected with every animal in existence, and soon the transformation was complete. He arose, and began to feel a power he had never felt before. He had become bonded to the animal kingdom and was now king of the animals.
  • A Weed is Planted Phineas, who was relishing in his glory, continued his tour for Allison, not expecting Alan to return any time soon. However, they soon came upon ruins that were on the opposite side of the ruins that Alan had just left from. Phineas entered the ruins, telling Allison to stay outside in case of any dangers. Phineas found an artifact inside the ruins just like the one Alan found, although this one was green. Just like Alan, Phineas saw the plant kingdom before him, entranced by the power it held. Seemingly forced to touch it, he was bombarded by a strange green radiation and began to transform. His body became green, and his mind became one with the plants and he began to realize that he was to be king of the plants, and the king of the world. He also obtained the memories of the god Floros and remembered Mother Nature and his “brother” Faunos and how they betrayed and humiliated him. Insanity filled his every thought.
  • A Family is Born The Zoologist returned to where Chelsea laid, crying for the loss of another loved one at the hands of his enemy. Mother Nature, however, had other plans, appearing before Alan. As thanks for protecting the planet and saving the entire world from almost certain destruction, Mother Nature allowed Chelsea to live by granting Alan the ability to bring her back to life through a kiss. Kissing her remains, she immediately returned from certain death, as well as restoring her humanity. However, the kiss not only returned her to normal, but also granted her a fraction of Alan's power. Happily reunited, Alan finally decided to propose to Chelsea, and were immediately wed by Mother Nature. The Zoologist and Chelsea then set off into the wilds to become the protectors of the animal kingdom, with Chelsea taking the name Specia.
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  • ::*Tidal Wave: Hydrokinetic mutant king of Atlantea, the noble Tidal Wave joined the Maximums after a massive alien invasion of the Kanielians. Quickly befriended the Zoologist and his family after they joined the team, seeing himself and the Zoologist as kindred spirits and kings of their respective kingdoms, and invites him and his family often to his undersea kingdom as guests, as well as asks for his help when his undersea kingdom is in danger, as does the Zoologist. Possesses an amphibious physiology, as well as mastery over all forms of moisture and water.
  • *Father Time: Creator, master, and ruler of all time, the one and only Father Time helped Mother Nature with creating the universe under the guidance of the Impossible, creator of the universe. After the savage battle between Faunos and Floros, Father Time warned Mother Nature that Floros would someday return and continue his vendetta against Mother Nature. Helping her manipulate fate into finding an appropriate successor to the crown for the animal kingdom, Father Time showed her Dr. Alan Douglas and helped her manipulate events so that he would come across Faunos' gem. Father Time later enlisted the Zoologist and Bluemoon's aid when the Primordial began altering the future of life, and soon after began a working relationship with the two heroes, calling on their assistance when he required them. Foresaw Chimaera's future of becoming the new Goddess of the Animal Kingdom. Creator of Xenos the Chronological Man.
  • A wealthy individual as well, Phineas offered Alan and Allison an all-expense paid trip to South America, where Phineas would attempt to murder Alan or lose him in the wild, where he hoped Alan would die of lack of shelter or food. After giving them a fake tour for a couple of hours, he began to unleash his plan when he saw Alan completely focused on observing some beautiful birds of the jungle. Driving Allison away from Alan, Phineas and Allison returned to their campsite, with Phineas hoping Alan would become lost. Indeed, after deciding to return to the campsite, Alan was caught in the midst of a tropical storm and nightfall slowly arriving.
  • ::*The Predator: A former poacher who reformed after being saved from his traitorous comrades by a black panther, Paul Velston, a.k.a. the Predator, was turned into a ferocious defender of the animal kingdom by the Zoologist after meeting him during a revenge assault on the team and vowing to permanently change his ways. The Predator possesses superhuman strength, stamina, durability, endurance, resistance, speed, and reflexes, razor-sharp claws, and the ability to gain the predatory adaptations, techniques, and preying mechanisms of any predatory animal in the animal kingdom. Member of the Pack. Fell in love with fellow member Pincer. Constantly at odds with the Shell.
  • *The Poacher: A ruthless Australian trophy hunter known for his brutal hunting methods, Ryan McCatcher was the first to encounter the Zoologist and survive, albeit severely beaten to near death. Nearly died several decades after meeting the Zoologist before encountering the Veterinarian and being given a serum that transformed him into a superhuman hunter with immensely powerful senses. Responsible for the near-extinction of the werecheetahs of Nigeria. Leader of the Trophy Hunters, ally of the Veterinarian, member of the Botanist's Anti-Animal Alliance, and member of the Negaknights. Also the archnemesis of the Maximums member Cheetari.
  • *The Animal Assassin: Using the Veterinarian's notes, the Botanist set forth to create a truly evil copy of the Zoologist to pit against him. Finding the sample the Vet used to create what would become the PsuedoZoologist, he used that sample and genetically re-engineered it so that he wouldn't succumb to clone degeneration or devolution of mind or intellect. The Animal Assassin possesses the exact same powers, intellect, and abilities as the Zoologist, but uses them for evil purposes. Unintent on working for the Botanist, the Animal Assassin defeated him viciously and went on a mass murder spree. However, he eventually faced and fought the Zoologist, but managed to escape. Now works as a mercenary/assassin-for-hire and sells his talents to the highest bidders, notably including businessman Timothy Cox, who hired him to frame the Zoologist for a series of assassinations. He later formed an alliance with the ferocious werewolf clone of Bluemoon, Blackmoon, and went on a massive crime spree in order to blame both the Zoologist and Bluemoon. Were later defeated and imprisoned.
  • A very wealthy individual, Alan’s love for animals was matched only by his love for his middle and high school sweetheart Allison Dawson, who also held a great love for animals, having obtained doctorates in veterinary sciences. While at college, he was taught by Dr. Alexander von Zolos, who held great pride in the young lad. Alan graduated from the Zoological Society Community College in Illinois with honors and went on to become invited to the esteemed scientific community Zoologists of the World as their youngest member ever. Even more wonderful than that, Dr. Douglas proposed to Allison and she unhesitantly accepted. Things seemed well however, until, little did Alan know, that his whole life would come crashing down because of one person: Professor Phineas P. Pines, his longtime classmate and archrival who held a deeply insane jealousy towards Douglas.
  • During his travels throughout Asia, Alan stumbled upon an ancient Shaolin temple that was under attack by an army of shadow-warriors secretly sent by the god of darkness, Dark Overlord. Watching the martial artists defend their home with great interest, Alan soon jumped in and helped defend the school from the evil ones. Realizing he needed discipline if he was going to be a true hero, Douglas asked the Shaolin master if he would train him in learning to control his instincts and powers and redirecting them in a more positive light. The master, Shauo Lei, was delighted by the prospects of training an ancient god, as he perceived him, and quickly began teaching Alan martial arts. Alan learned much quicker than most, possibly due to his inadvertent mimicking of the master, and over a decade later, he was a master of the Shaolin arts and set off to become a hero for the animal kingdom. As the years went by, he became a legend throughout the world. Stories of bizarre animal attacks on poachers, animal testing labs, abusers, and other related people and facilities, as well as tales of an “Animal Man” began popping up over the globe, but were, of course, considered to be simply coincidental or unfortunate accidents and urban myths.
  • ::*Stryker: Leader of the Maximums, Naoki "Nick" DeCosta was once the son and heir of the ninjutsu master Seeker's ninja clan. Bonded with mystical ectoplasmic energy while in his mother's womb by Seeker, Naoki would eventually inherit ghostly abilities, such as invisibility and intangibility, after being forced to fight his father after "betraying" their clan. Ran away from his home in Japan and traveled the world, using his powers to help others and even joining a band of noble pirates. Founded the Maximums shortly after his lover Phantomette was banished to another dimension by the Banisher and the Golden Age heroes such as Maximum Man and Savior mysteriously vanished. Met the Zoologist and Specia during the Treacherous Trio's invasion of Manhattan and unhesistently invited him to join the Maximums' ranks after seeing the power and nobility he possessed. Although initially unwilling to follow the orders of someone else, Douglas quickly learned to trust Stryker's judgement and decisions, as well as earn Stryker's friendship.
  • Locating the Botanist, who was delightfully working on his “garden”, the Zoologist savagely assaulted him, knocking him off guard. However, the Botanist soon regained himself and revealed that he had Chelsea inside of his body, ready to use her as a human shield or impale her with thorns at any second. The Zoologist was then knocked a mile through skyscrapers as the Botanist escaped into the sewer system. Regaining himself, the Zoologist tracked down the Botanist to Central Park. Upon his arrival, he was devastated to find that the Botanist had transformed Chelsea into a plant-human hybrid. Even more so, the transformation was killing her. After finally dying from the drastic changes, the Zoologist, enraged to the brink of insanity, unleashed devastating power.
  • The Pack vs. the Anti-Animal Alliance When the Botanist returned with a grand scheme of allying himself with several of the Zoologist's former foes and kidnapping Alan and Chelsea's children, Alan summoned several former colleagues and friends from past decades whom he endowed with animal powers, including Paul Velstein, a former poacher who changed his ways after his gang betrayed him and nearly killed him before a leopard saved him, Prof. Armando Sheldon, a former colleague of his who specialized in defense mechanisms of animals, Virginia Grace, an avid animal rights activist, Dr. Cassandra Appel, a specialist in evolutionary biology and a veterinarian, and Prof. Richard "Rick" Lear, another former colleague and specialist in biomechanics. Calling themselves the Pack, they journeyed to the Greenhouse, the Botanist's secret base deep within the earth and faced the Anti-Animal Alliance in the Zoologist's greatest fight yet.
  • ::*Bluemoon: The "Lightning Lupine" of the Maximums, Bluemoon is a superhumanly fast werewolf mutant with the ability to fly via angelic wings. Once the religious mutant winged superhero the Gatekeeper/Messenger, Michael Wolfman was forever transformed into a monster after being tricked by the villainous Tyrant King, in the guise of "the Avenger", into doing his dirty work for him. First fighting the Maximums after being told that the team's leader, Stryker, had killed Bluemoon's father, Bluemoon learned the truth and subsequently joined the Maximums after they helped him defeat his new archnemesis, Blackmoon. After the Zoologist joined the Maximums, Bluemoon and his wife Hearttaker befriended him and Specia, and was later taught by the Zoologist how to better control his bestial urges and feral attributes.
  • ::*The Gamesman: A master hunter from England that met the Poacher during his travels, Winston Campelton befriended him and joined his Trophy Hunters. A master marksman that almost never misses his target.
  • ::*Specia: A former nature photographer and biological scientist turned into the Queen of the Animal Kingdom, Chelsea Rose encountered the Zoologist after being rescued from a mother grizzly bear protecting her cub. After running away from him, she sought to learn more about the "Animal Man". After stumbling upon a fight between the "Animal Man" and a gang of illegal fur traders at a warehouse, Chelsea watched as the Zoologist dodged a bullet that ricocheted of an adjacent wall and shot her in the shoulder. After learning of her presence, the "Animal Man" killed the gunman and took her to his cave where she learned about the "Animal Man". After falling in love with Dr. Alan Douglas, she thought that he deserved a better name and called him the Zoologist. However, after the Zoologist began planning to propose to her, she was kidnapped and subsequently killed by the Botanist. However, Mother Nature, touched by Alan's love for her and as a reward for saving all of nature, granted Alan the power to bring her back to life. Revived, she then transformed into an animal goddess herself and now represents the beauty and grace of the animal kingdom, as well as the beauty of nature in general. The two then proposed to each other and were married by Mother Nature. Member of the Maximums, wife of the Zoologist, mother to both Chimaera and Kid Creature, and co-leader of the Pack.
  • When the Pack learned of the Botanist's true intention of destroying all of the animal kingdom with the monstrous Extinction, whom the Tyrant King had used not long before, the Pack attacked the monster, trying to destroy it before it could be activated. However, it was soon released from its chamber and was shown as able to fight for itself. The two teams fought, with neither side truly winning over the other, until the children managed to escape and the PsuedoZoologist and Bluemoon joined the fight and destroyed Extinction while the Veterinarian and his Animal Men switched sides and Dr. Zolos sacrificed himself to finally defeat the Anti-Animal Alliance. Rescuing the children after defeating the Alliance, the team decided to stay together as an extended family, as a pack. The Veterinarian's Animal Men and the PseudoZoologist also joined the Pack, vowing to do whatever the Pack commanded in the cause of justice.
  • ::*Princess Pollution: An extraterrestrial princess from the planet Contamina, a filthy toxic waste dump, possesses the power to poison, contaminate, and decay anything she touches, as well as possessing shapeshifting abilities and the power of flight. Journeyed across the universe, polluting clean, pristine planets, eventually landing on Earth via a telekinetically-controlled asteroid of waste. Beginning to decay the environment around her, she encountered, not the Zoologist, but the Botanist. Enraged at what she was doing, the Botanist viciously battled her, but began to wither the second he touched her. Retreating, the Botanist located the Zoologist and pleaded for his help. Reluctantly, the Zoologist and his family agreed and battled the Princess with the Botanist, eventually sending her back into orbit. She subsequently returned to Earth and formed an alliance with the Creeping-Crawler, De Miser, and the Exterminator, whom she fell in love with.
  • ::*Macho Man: One of the founding members and leaders of the Maximums, Johnny Redmond is the Mightiest Man in the Universe. Possessing incalculable strength and durability, Macho Man is a force to be reckoned with. Joined the Maximums after gaining his abilities through a mystical armament known as the Arms of Hercules being bombarded with radiation and bombarding Redmond in said radiation. Met the Zoologist during the Treacherous Trio's invasion of Manhattan and tested in him in combat shortly after he joined. Although the Zoologist was eventually beaten, he quickly earned Macho Man's respect and friendship with his power and ferocity. Macho Man later asked the Zoologist and Specia to join his faction of the Maximums, which included the most physically powerful members of the Maximums and was used when specific missions required such factions.
  • *The PseudoZoologist: The first and most powerful of the Veterinarian's creations, engineered from a single strand of the Zoologist's hair. Originally perfectly cloned, the PseudoZoologist soon degenerated into a mindless beast of near-immeasurable power and ferocity after being forced to fight the Zoologist and subsequently being "killed". Gained the ability to inadvertently emit devolving mental radiation that caused animals to turn feral. Rampaged across the world, attacking cities, people, and animals alike. Soon fought the Zoologist several times, inadvertently devolving the Zoologist's mind to a similar feral state, and was nearly killed by the Veterinarian's newly-created Animal Men and the Poacher and his Trophy Hunters before being saved by a renewed Zoologist and subsequently returned to the wild. After an extended period in seclusion, the PseudoZoologist located the Zoologist and his Pack, who were battling the Anti-Animal Alliance, and losing. Helped the Zoologist and his Pack fight them, subsequently destroyed the Alliance's monstrosity Extinction, and later joined the Pack. Inadvertently responsible for causing Kid Creature's powers to activate.
  • *Blackmoon: The supervillainous clone and archnemesis of the superhero Bluemoon, Blackmoon possesses all of the powers and abilities of Bluemoon, consumed in utter hatred. Joined the Animal Assassin in a bid to frame both Bluemoon and the Zoologist for a series of murders and crimes, succeeding in locking both heroes up in a maximum-security prison. Were later defeated by the two and the Maximums. Blackmoon later kidnapped Specia in a bid to kill the Zoologist, whom he wanted to get rid of, along with the rest of Bluemoon's closest friends, allies, and loved ones. Was subsequentally defeated single-handedly by Bluemoon. Member of the Treacherous Trio.
  • Allison came to see what happened and was shocked to see Phineas transformed. He immediately realized what he could do, albeit insane, and transformed into a cactus humanoid to attack Allison, believing now that humans were unfit to live in the new world he was going to create. Alan heard Allison scream and saw the other temple across the valley. He hurried over and found Allison being attacked by Phineas, and Alan slowly began to realize what has happened. Phineas, who was shocked and angry to see Alan alive, attacked him. Alan and Phineas fought a savage battle which ended when Alan transformed into an amoeba and entered Phineas's body, and then becoming a blue whale.
  • The Maximums' Newest Recruits The Zoologist, Specia, Chimaera, and Kid Creature later witnessed a massive invasion on Manhattan by the monstrous Tyrant King and his allies Blackmoon and Negnator, collectively known as the Treacherous Trio, who were resurrecting all of the extinct dinosaurs on Earth to make an army and take over the world. The recently-formed superhero team the Maximums were attempting to defeat the dinosaur army with less than spectacular results. The Zoologist and Specia then intervened and helped the Maximums fend off the prehistoric beasts and infiltrate the Treacherous Trio's HQ. However, they were captured by the Trio, who revealed their true intentions to utilize a monstrous being known as Extinction to devolve all of humanity into nothing. Thanks to the arrival of superhuman secret agent Cheetari, they managed to escape their confines and defeat the Trio's mad ambitions and save the world. The Zoologist and Specia were both eventually accepted into the team and then gifted with official membership into the Maximums. They even moved into the Hero Hood for a period of time with their children.
  • *Extinction: A bio-engineered monstrosity created by the Tyrant King in a bid to destroy humanity by projecting rays of devolutionary energy through a satellite, Extinction was put out of commission by the Maximums before it could be activated. It was later found by the Botanist and upgraded so as to be able to move and fight itself. It was used in an attempt to destroy all of animalkind by linking him up to the same satellite the Tyrant King had used before and locking onto every animal, including the human race, on the planet. However, the Zoologist, Specia, and their newly-formed Pack broke the link and fought both the Anti-Animal Alliance and the newly-upgraded and mobile Extinction, who was subsequently destroyed by the intervening Bluemoon and PseudoZoologist.
  • *Maximums: The Earth's greatest defenders, the Maximums formed after the mysterious disappearances of famed superheroes such as Maximum Man, Savior, and the Eagle to help bring hope back to the despaired planet. The Zoologist and Specia joined the Maximums shortly after they helped the team defeat the Treacherous Trio's massive invasion of Manhattan. Famous members include ghostly leader Stryker, the mightiest man in the universe Macho Man, the lightning lupine Bluemoon and his vampiric wife Hearttaker, the pyrokinetic martial artist Heatstroke and his werecheetah wife Cheetari, teenage boy-turned-technology master Lego Lad, shapeshifting beauty Shapeshifter, terrakinetic elemental of earth Terrain, hydrokinetic king of Atlantea Tidal Wave, magnetic ferrokinetic exile of the planet Magnikaimos Magnator and his vitakinetic wife Vitalla, electrokinetic powerhouse Amp'd, uncanny marksman the Green Marksman and his sister of flight Flutter, psychokinetic and telepathic master Psychodude, size-and-mass-changing Macroscopic Man, and master of air and wind Windbreaker.
  • The heroic amalgamation of Dr. Alan Douglas, one of the most renowned zoologists of his time, and the animal god, Faunos, the Zoologist is the Highest Authority of All Things Animal, and thus is the complete and total master of the entire animal kingdom, possessing an animal-like physiology, the ability to transform into any animal imaginable, mimic the powers of any animal, communicate with and control any animal, etc. He is a heroic defender for, not only humanity, but for all living things and the natural world. He seeks to bring harmony between humanity and the animal kingdom and natural world and will do nearly anything to achieve it. He fights against those who wish to harm the natural world, especially the animal kingdom, while struggling to tame the kingdom within him. He is leader of the Pack, a team consisting of his family, friends, and acquaintances whom have been given the powers of the animal kingdom by him, as well as a devoted member of the universe's greatest defenders, the Maximums.
  • ::*The Shell: A former friend and colleague of the Zoologist who specialized in the defense mechanics of living organisms, Armando Sheldon was chosen by Dr. Douglas to become an avid defender of the animal kingdom. The Shell possesses superhuman durability, endurance, and resistance, and the ability to gain the defenses and defense mechanisms of any creature of the animal kingdom. Member of the Pack. Fell in love with fellow member Grace. Constantly at odds with the Predator.
  • ::*Stinger: One of the Veterinarian's "perfect" and most powerful specimens, as well as his most intelligent, possesses the attributes of several animals, most notably venomous, razor-sharp fangs, teeth, and a long, prehensile tail with a venomous stinger at the end. Able to utilize the venom of any animal, as well as produce and project venomous spines from any part of his body at will. Saw Dr. Zolos as a father and joined the Zoologist's Pack after the Vet's noble sacrifice in honor of him.
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