| - Daxam was the home planet to the Daxamites. It is located 2,000 light years from Earth, orbiting an old red dwarf star named Rao. It was ruled by King Lar Gand and Queen Rhea.
- Mon-El was a superhero that was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, and also a native of this planet.
- Daxam is the third and last planet of the sun red dwarf called Valor, both Daxam and Valor, are names of Kryptonian origin, the red moon Daxam and sard call, believing the stories of indigenous ancestors, which is the tomb of him where his ship crashed, considered the god observer of the night. The daxamites are similar to Kryptonian, but are not weakened by kryptonite, but through lead, heritage of their indigenous ancestors.
- Daxam is a world located in Space Sector 1760. It is home to a race called the Daxamites, an offshoot of the Kryptonians. Similar to Kryptonians, Daxamites possess the abilities of Superman when in the presence of the yellow sun, including vast strength, damage resistance, great speed, flight, enhanced senses and heat and X-ray vision. Their own sun Valor is a red giant, so while on their homeworld, they do not have their superpowers. They are fatally sensitive to lead, which affects them as Kryptonite affects Kryptonians. Daxamites are fearful of interstellar travel and thus tend to remain on their homeworlds.
| - Daxam is a world located in Space Sector 1760. It is home to a race called the Daxamites, an offshoot of the Kryptonians. Similar to Kryptonians, Daxamites possess the abilities of Superman when in the presence of the yellow sun, including vast strength, damage resistance, great speed, flight, enhanced senses and heat and X-ray vision. Their own sun Valor is a red giant, so while on their homeworld, they do not have their superpowers. They are fatally sensitive to lead, which affects them as Kryptonite affects Kryptonians. Daxamites are fearful of interstellar travel and thus tend to remain on their homeworlds. The Daxamites were originally Kryptonians who left their homeworld in order to explore the Universe. The Eradicator, programmed to preserve all Kryptonian culture, altered the birthing matrices the explorers took with them so that the newborns would be fatally vulnerable to lead. Thus, if they persisted in their anti-Kryptonian wanderlust, they would all die from it. Later, The Eradicator altered the DNA of all remaining Kryptonian lifeforms so that they would instantly die upon leaving the planet.
- Daxam was the home planet to the Daxamites. It is located 2,000 light years from Earth, orbiting an old red dwarf star named Rao. It was ruled by King Lar Gand and Queen Rhea.
- Mon-El was a superhero that was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes, and also a native of this planet.
- Daxam is the third and last planet of the sun red dwarf called Valor, both Daxam and Valor, are names of Kryptonian origin, the red moon Daxam and sard call, believing the stories of indigenous ancestors, which is the tomb of him where his ship crashed, considered the god observer of the night. The daxamites are similar to Kryptonian, but are not weakened by kryptonite, but through lead, heritage of their indigenous ancestors.