| - thumb|300px Fallen ist eine Multiplayer-Map aus Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
- Fallen is the first episode in season nine of CSI: Miami.
- The Fallen is an enemy that appears in the Northern Ruins in 600 AD
- Fallen è l'album di maggior successo del gruppo statunitense Evanescence sotto l'etichetta della casa discografica Wind-Up Records, è anche il primo album ad essere stato rilasciato in tutto in mondo, al contrario dei loro album precedenti (Evanescence EP, Sound Asleep EP, Origin) rilasciati in numero limitato nella loro città natale, Little Rock.
- Fallen is the sequal to Dead Rising 2.It follows Frank and Isabella escapeing the town to try and prove the world about the zombie outbreak.
- The Fallen was the term used to describe those who had fallen to the madness exerted by the mad dragon P'an Ku during the Heretic War.
- Fallen is the first story in Warcraft: Legends Volume 1 and the first part of the Trag saga.
* Written by Richard A. Knaak
* Art by Jae-Hwan Kim
* Edited by Tim Beedle
- Fallen is the tenth episode of the third season of The 100. It is the thirty-ninth episode of the series overall.
- Fallen, also known as Death, Knocked Out or KO, is the status condition a character is in when their Hit Points deplete to zero. Whenever this occurs, the character is no longer able to act in battle. The condition is often recovered with the use of the Resurrect spell or with a Yomi's Elixir. A character who has fallen in battle is not to be confused with when a character actually dies within the story, where use of such aforementioned items and spells won't revive the character. See also: Game Over
- Fallen is the first full-length album by Evanescence, and their first album to achieve widespread release around the world.
- Categoría:Esbozos < -Fallen al llegar al Templo Oscuro Fallen,o Fallen-G (Alias DarthFallen),debido a que en la cápsula de Coruscant en la que fue encontrado,había una inscripción en la parte lateral de la misma,pero solo la letra "G" era la que estaba más o menos legible.
- Fallen war zusammen mit Ertrinken eine Todesart in der Ratchet & Clank Serie, welche eintrat, wenn Ratchet eine tiefe Klippe oder Graben hinunterfiel. Meistens flog Ratchet dann einem bodenlosen Abgrund entgegen, und nach einer gewissen Zeit startete eine Fallen Animation, bei der Ratchet schrie und sich überschlug. Nach kurzer Zeit erschien er wieder am letzten passierten Krontollpunkt. Ratchet benutzte Klippen oftmals, um Feinde hinunter zu schießen, wenn er nur noch wenig Munition oder kaum Nanotech hatte.
- jellemzés a bukott a 7 fôvezér tagja volt.a napot fel afarta robbantani egy gépezettel,ami egy piramis alatt volt. fegyverzet: -ür jogar mágikus erô.
- Quer über die Insel sind zahlreiche Fallen aufgestellt, um die Anderen zu fangen – es wird vermutet, dass sie von Rousseau aufgestellt wurden, da sie große Angst vor ihnen hat. Die Überlebenden treffen auf viele dieser Fallen. Obwohl nur einige dieser Fallen bewiesenermaßen von Danielle stammen, sind die Verschollenen sich einig, dass es ihre sind. Kate und Jack denken das von den Fallen aus „“, sowie Sayid und Charlie von denen aus „“.
- The mapmaker Reuth recalled hearing of an inlet near the Plain of Ghosts that led to a fortress called Taken. This may have referred to Fallen as it described Fallen's location on the map included with Assail.
- The Fallen is the Stage 2 Magic form of the Contrast group. It has high magic skills.
- Fallen (англ. "Павший", "Заброшенный") — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживание в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
- Fallen (infinitive fallar) 1.
* Category : Spanish forms of verbs ending in -ar second-person plural (ustedes) imperative form of fallar. 2.
* Category : Spanish forms of verbs ending in -ar second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive form of fallar. 3.
* Category : Spanish forms of verbs ending in -ar third-person plural (ellos, ellas, also used with ustedes?) present subjunctive form of fallar.
- Fallen es el primer episodio de la novena temporada de CSI: Miami. Será emitido el 03 de octubre de 2010 .
- Fallen - mapa w trybie multiplayer w Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
- Fallen is Machigerita-P's 3rd album which consists of 13 original tracks. The album features the vocals of Megurine Luka, KAITO, Hatsune Miku and kagamine Rin. It includes two bonus tracks sung by him.
- These malformed demons never stray too far from a pack of Fallen Hounds, and will quickly resurrect any Hounds that are killed in combat. Those who value their souls would be wise to first destroy the Shaman before targeting its Hound companions. It takes 150 seconds for their camps to respawn.
- Fallen is the first San'Shyuum AI known to be created. He was originally the living friend and comrade of Prelate Yun'da'Klem, Fal'hu'Goo, who died from his serve wounds after the Fall of High Charity but his body and brain was preserved in stasis.
- "Fallen" is the first episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.
- "Fallen" is the first episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.
- Former moderator of TPPC, and also a highly ranked member. His account is/was 50.
- Als Fallen werden alle gezauberten Dinge bezeichnet, die, um sie zu kontrollieren, Mechanik benötigen. Darunter fallen z.B. die Fallen vom Sram und die Leitmarkierungen vom Cra.
- Virtually all Fallen demons come from the [//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Ars Goetia], a 17th century grimoire, with the exceptions of Samael, Abaddon, Baphomet, Ukobach, Arioch, Gagyson, Melchom, Mithras, Abraxas and Satan.
- The Fallen, or Eliksni in their native language, are a nomadic race of four-armed bipedal humanoids. They are a species of pirates and mercenaries located on Earth, the Moon, Venus, and The Reef (later on Mars), and are one of the primary antagonist races in the Destiny series.
- --Johnny Cash, "Ring of Fire" A Fallen angel has cast off the last of its divinity and become a demon. This is usually due to failing a dissonance roll while already Outcast, but an angel can also deliberately choose to Fall if it wants. Once an angel has Fallen, it becomes whatever Band serves as the opposite of its Choir: Seraphim become Balseraphs, Cherubim become Djinn, and so on. It does not get a new Heart until it pledges its loyalty to a Demon Prince.
- "The forest is lightening up." observed Feathertail, her tail curling in delight. Ashstar nodded, "Raincloud is regaining her hold. Tigerstar bansihed her by now I expect." There was a few beats of silence, then, blushing, Feathertail said, "So...Crowstar is doing wonderfully isn't he?" Ashstar smiled kindly at Feathertail, "It's ok. I know, I can't believe! My kitten the leader of a whole Clan!" "I only wish..." Feathertail traled off. Ashstar smiled again, "Ah. But you will have other kits to watch over."
- Town west of the Empire. It used to be a pleasant town, under the rule of so called ”principals”, until Principal Justin The Just was poisoned by Mandroccus, the evil mage. Mandroccus was elected the new Principle and since then the town has known a tide of darkness.