| - These Starship Maneuvers are to be considered to be errata to the Starship Maneuvers found in the Starships of the Galaxy book. Maneuvers may have descriptors. If a maneuver has a descriptor of [Capital], then Capital warships (anything of Colossal [Frigate] size and up) add +10 to their Pilot checks made to activate the maneuver against other capital warships, effectively negating their size penalty. Any other vessel adds the inverse of its size modifier, whatever that inverse may be, when activating the maneuver against a capital warship as well. Anything which, for some reason, does not have a negative size modifier (such as a Small droid somehow engaging in vehicular combat) does not add the inverse of its size modifier.
| - These Starship Maneuvers are to be considered to be errata to the Starship Maneuvers found in the Starships of the Galaxy book. Maneuvers may have descriptors. If a maneuver has a descriptor of [Capital], then Capital warships (anything of Colossal [Frigate] size and up) add +10 to their Pilot checks made to activate the maneuver against other capital warships, effectively negating their size penalty. Any other vessel adds the inverse of its size modifier, whatever that inverse may be, when activating the maneuver against a capital warship as well. Anything which, for some reason, does not have a negative size modifier (such as a Small droid somehow engaging in vehicular combat) does not add the inverse of its size modifier. If a maneuver has the [Force] descriptor, then the character who wishes to learn the maneuver must be at least Force-sensitive (I.E., have the Force Sensitivity feat) to add the maneuver to their suite. Additional restrictions can, and most likely will, be specified in the maneuver's description. Some rare maneuvers with the [Force] descriptor may have additional descriptors more typically associated with a Force power than a Starship Maneuver - this basically indicates a hybrid Force power/Starship Maneuver, and follows any rules appropriate to a Force power with the appropriate descriptors. If a maneuver has the [Walker] descriptor, then it is a power specifically intended for use exclusively when piloting a giant stompy 'mech vehicle, and will not function when at the controls of a flying, hovering, or rolling vehicle. Likewise, if a maneuver has the [Ground] descriptor, then it is intended for any vehicle which is operated exclusively whilst grounded, which may be a walker unless otherwise specified, a landspeeder, a vehicle with treads or wheels, or any other sort of ground vehicle. It will not be applicable in an airspeeder, starfighter, space transport, or capital ship; no, not even if you pilot them on repulsorlifts at an altitude more typically associated with landspeeders and best measured in centimeters. If a maneuver has the [Flight] descriptor, then it is a maneuver specifically intended for use exclusively when piloting an airspeeder, starfighter, or other vessel capable of unrestricted movement in three dimensions. It cannot be used in any vehicle which the [Ground] tag would apply to. The [Dogfight] tag implies the presence of the [Flight] tag. Maneuvers with the [Dogfight] tag may only be made by vehicles capable of engaging in dogfights: Large, Huge and Gargantuan starfighters or airspeeders/droids capable of flight, and space transports which are targeted as Gargantuan starfighters. If a maneuver has the [Shields] descriptor, then it is a maneuver specifically intended for use only on a shielded vehicle. The vehicle in question must have SR 5 or greater at the time of activation to activate the power. All rolls to activate [Shield] powers add the inverse of the vehicle's size penalty to the activation rolls. Additionally, [Shield] maneuvers may be activated by a copilot, sensor operator, dedicated shield operator, or ship's engineer. [Shield] maneuvers which are also [Attack Pattern] powers still follow the requirements and limitations of [Attack Pattern] maneuvers. Sensor operators and shield operators make Use Computer rolls to activate [Shield] powers; engineers and astromech droids make Mechanics rolls to activate [Shield] powers. Pilots and copilots still make a Pilot roll. If a character is acting as more than one of those simultaneously, he may roll whichever he pleases. [Attack Pattern] maneuvers may be ended at any time with a swift action, unless otherwise specified. Activating an [Attack Pattern] maneuver adds the inverse of your ship's size modifier to your rolls to activate the [Attack Pattern] maneuver unless otherwise noted. (The rule of thumb is that if the [Attack Pattern] doesn't actually involve precision flight, it doesn't suffer a size penalty.) If a maneuver has the [New] descriptor, then your GM has invented it, likely as a response to the utter dearth of maneuvers applicable primarily to capital ships, walkers, and other ground vehicles. Its balance should be considered suspect, and the maneuver is subject to change or immediate revocation in-session without warning. If one of these powers is withdrawn or changed without notice, those who possess them are entitled to swap them out with another immediately and at no penalty. Do not make one of these maneuvers the capstone of your battle plan without having a backup in mind. Starship Maneuvers with the [Gunner] descriptor may be used at any time the character is attacking a vehicle or droid of vehicular stature (Huge or greater), even if the character is on foot and using personal weapons. Note: The use of the Vehicular Combat feat follows the same rule as Starship Maneuvers with the [Capital] tag, when being used on behalf of a vessel of Colossal (Frigate) size or larger.