It's Tara's birthday and her family comes to take her away before her true demonic nature surfaces. Glory sends some demons to kill Buffy
* Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Spike works out that Tara's family have made up the entire demon story to keep their women in line. He then says with approval, "Oh you're a piece of work. I like you."
* Blatant Lies: Spike tells Harmony he's going to watch the demons kill the Slayer; he actually saves her life.
* Book Ends: Tara's "insect reflection" joke. At the beginning of the episode, she tells it and nobody gets it; at the end of the episode she explains it to Anya.
* Brick Joke: The "insect reflection" joke again.
* Xander suggests that a Crystal Ball is too cheesy a present for a witch. At the birthday party we see Tara faking
Attributes | Values |
| - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S5 E6 Family
| - It's Tara's birthday and her family comes to take her away before her true demonic nature surfaces. Glory sends some demons to kill Buffy
* Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Spike works out that Tara's family have made up the entire demon story to keep their women in line. He then says with approval, "Oh you're a piece of work. I like you."
* Blatant Lies: Spike tells Harmony he's going to watch the demons kill the Slayer; he actually saves her life.
* Book Ends: Tara's "insect reflection" joke. At the beginning of the episode, she tells it and nobody gets it; at the end of the episode she explains it to Anya.
* Brick Joke: The "insect reflection" joke again.
* Xander suggests that a Crystal Ball is too cheesy a present for a witch. At the birthday party we see Tara faking
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| - It's Tara's birthday and her family comes to take her away before her true demonic nature surfaces. Glory sends some demons to kill Buffy
* Arson, Murder, and Admiration: Spike works out that Tara's family have made up the entire demon story to keep their women in line. He then says with approval, "Oh you're a piece of work. I like you."
* Blatant Lies: Spike tells Harmony he's going to watch the demons kill the Slayer; he actually saves her life.
* Book Ends: Tara's "insect reflection" joke. At the beginning of the episode, she tells it and nobody gets it; at the end of the episode she explains it to Anya.
* Brick Joke: The "insect reflection" joke again.
* Xander suggests that a Crystal Ball is too cheesy a present for a witch. At the birthday party we see Tara faking a smile as she unwraps the ball.
* Buffy-Speak: Willow says there's "Scooby-age afoot".
* Calling Your Orgasms: In Spike's sex fantasy.
* Casual Kink: Buffy promises to reward Riley by wearing "outfits".
* Continuity Nod: Sandy was made a vampire in "Doppelgangland".
* Damn With Faint Praise: Tara is...nice.
* A Day in the Limelight: For Tara.
* Description Cut: Buffy says she could "use a break from all this craziness." Cut to another crazy person being wheeled into Sunnydale hospital.
* Disappeared Dad: Buffy says that her father is now living in Spain with his secretary, and that he didn't even call when she left a message about Joyce being sick.
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: The Wicca lifestyle as homosexuality. Tara's father said she doesn't try to hide who she is anymore, while holding a phallic crystal. Then there's this exchange:
* Flying Broomstick: Dawn gives Tara a broomstick for her birthday.
* Go Through Me: The whole gang does this to protect Tara from her abusive family. Except Spike.
* Heel Face Turn: Spike saves Buffy's life from a demon, and despite his above claim of indifference hits Tara to prove she's not a demon.
* Hey, It's That Guy!: Cousin Beth is Amy Adams.
* "Hey You!" Haymaker: Spike hitting Tara.
* Honor-Related Abuse: Tara's family abuse her emotionally and lie to her to make her hate herself, fooling her into believing that she's less than human. When she breaks free and makes a life of her own, they start threatening to move on to physical abuse, and would most likely have made good on their threats if it wasn't for almost the entire cast closing ranks around her and telling them that they would have to go through them to get to her.
* Interplay of Sex and Violence: Spike fantasizes about getting his ass kicked by Buffy while having sex with Harmony.
* I Resemble That Remark
* Isn't It Ironic?: You'd think they could have chosen a better number for the closing scene than a love song to a television!
* That Makes Me Feel Angry: Glory pushes out of a pile of rubble.
* Last-Second Word Swap
* Tara seeing her family again.
* Spike hearing the demons are going to kill Buffy.
* Love Floats: The episode ends with Tara and Willow slow-dancing at the Bronze. A Reveal Shot shows they're floating a foot above the ground.
* Nonhuman Lover Reveal
* Not Worth Killing: Buffy assumes Glory will come after her; in truth Glory is embarrassed to discover she fought a mere Slayer, and just sends some demons to kill her as she regards Buffy as an interfering nuisance.
* Oblivious Mockery: Buffy warns Dawn against boozing at the party; she replies that only losers drink alcohol. The Scoobies all look at their drinks.
* Perception Filter: Tara casts a spell so her friends can't see her demon side. Unfortunately this means they can't see the demons attacking them.
* Prodigal Family: Tara's family are an example of the possessive, malevolent variety.
* Speech Impediment: Tara's stutter returns with vengeance the moment her family turns up.
* Spider Sense: Buffy senses the 'invisible' demons creeping up on her while she's in the training room.
* Stock Phrases: Beth snaps, "I hope you're happy!" after Tara rejects her blood family for the Scoobies. Tara just smiles because yes, she is now.
* Suspect Is Hatless: Giles is trying to establish who Glory is, but isn't having any luck -- all Buffy can tell him is that she looks human, acts like Cordelia and recently dyed her hair.
* True Companions / Friendship Moment
* Was It All a Lie?