Hafu ist ein Po-Matoraner, der ursprünglich auf Metru Nui lebte.
Hafu was a proud Po-Matoran Carver, who was especially proud of and devoted to his work.
Hafu was a Po-Matoran who worked in Po-Metru. He was a famous carver.
Hafu to Po-Matoranin.
Hafu es un orgulloso Po-Matoran nativo de Metru Nui, reconocido por sus habilidades de tallado.
Hafu on veistämistaidoistaan tunnettu Po-Matoran ja Turaga Onewan vasen käsi.
The word hafu(ハーフhāfu) is used in Japanese to refer to somebody who is biracial, i.e. ethnically half Japanese. The label emerged in the 1970s in Japan and is now the most commonly used label and preferred term of self-definition. The word hafu comes from the English word "half" indicating half foreign-ness.