| - Donkey Kong Country was one of the earliest television series to be computer-animated to match an artistic style and garnered critical acclaim in France and Japan but only marginal success elsewhere. Several elements of the series like the crystal coconut, appeared in later Donkey Kong Country video games like Donkey Kong 64, which was released a year after the show began airing on Fox.
- Donkey Kong Country was one of the earliest television series to be entirely computer-animated with the Motion capture, matching the artistic style of the video games, and garnered critical acclaim in France and Japan but only marginal success elsewhere. Several elements of the series, such as the crystal coconut, appeared in later Donkey Kong Country video games like Donkey Kong 64, which was released a year after the show began airing on Fox.
- The Donkey Kong Country TV series was a short-lived French computer-generated television show starring Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Candy Kong, King K. Rool, as well as numerous other Kremlings. It first aired in France on September 4, 1996, and was originally titled La Planète Donkey Kong ("Planet Donkey Kong"). It premiered late in North America on August 15, 1998, and the original run finished on July 7, 2000; the show is currently airing in Australia as of December 2009. Strangely, many of the episodes were aired out of order, confusing many fans. Regardless of this, the Donkey Kong Country TV series won a publicly-voted award at 7 d'Or in 1999, for "Best Animation and Youth Program" ("Meilleure émission d'animation et de jeunesse").