| - Sara:I KNEW THIS GIRLS NIGHT OUT WAS A BAD IDEA! Fuda:YOUR THE ONE WHO WANTED ONE!!!!!!! Rachel:To think this all started with a simple question.................. Sara:Randy were going out. Sorry but me and the girls are having our own fun. Randy:Kay. No wine,no vodka,no men. Were still trying to recover from last time.(Points to the Barks fixing a bed) Fuda:OK. BYE! Randy:Get the paint ready boys! Ray:Already got my paint brush. (Flashback) Dragon: It is a good day isn't it. Starfire looks over. Starfire: huh oh yea sorry. Dragon: Your thinking of Nova again. Starfire: Yea ever since the mission i can't stop thinking that he saved me from the the last time. Guess it goes to show im more human then i thought. Dragon:There's something in Alabasta I would like you to do. Starfire: Isn't Alabasta desert island. I'm guessing you want me to take some time off. Dragon: You are brighter then most thinks.But yes that is what i ask. You really have been working to hard. Starfire: Fine since it's you i will take a break. Dragon: Thank you take a week off. (End Flashback.) Bartender: What can I get you Ma'am. Starfire: The house specail and a Root bear please. Bartender: Right away Ma'am. (5 hours earlier in Albasta) 'Sara: 'Maybe we should have told the boys that we were going to go 2,000 miles away.........What ever! (Walks into the bar) Starfire: What's wrong with me. Fuda: Hi. I couldn't help but see that no one was sitting with you. Are you OK? Starfire:Yea I'm fine just thinking what a nice place this is that's all. It's not like I'm happy that Baka left to be a pirate he's living his dream. It's nothing don't worry about it. Starfire: He didn't have to wait a week before he left to tell me I'm a big girl. Fuda: Boyfiriend a pirate huh? Fuda: I remember when he came........he was so.....................................strange. But he brought me back to reality. Starfire: That Baka my boyfriend. Not in this lifetime he's not. He just saved my life that's all and became my first friend. Him being my boyfriend i think i might die from that thought. Fuda: OK. But seriously you could come sit with us. Pro- Sara: ONE! (Kicks Star in the face) Fuda: Oh my God! I am so sorry. Sara apologize! Sara: (Moves closer) Shut up bitch........ Fuda: What did you just s- Sara: TWO! (Kicks Fuda in the face knocking her out) Starfire:I was here taking a break from missions but you bitch just made the worst mistake of your life. How would you like to die today. Man1: Doesn't the girl by the name demon say that. Man2:Don't let her hear you say that lets get out of here. Starfire:Bring it bitch! Sara: Tramp............You turned my BFF against me..................DIE!(Spin kicks Star 7X in the) MADUSA ATTACK! (Freezes Star solid) I won! (Drops) Rachel: Sara! Are you O-(Turns around)............Who are you? Any normal would have left by now. Archaeologist: Is that any way to speek to me? Your mentor? Your f- Rachel: But you.mom.....Tom..........(Faints) A: I guess I should tell you that I hired the man to kill them. (Fuda wakes up to find a shocked Rachel(More like terrified) a hungover Sara and a passed out Star. Fuda: What happened? Sara: I don't know........All I remember is dancing....................... Rachel: I have to tell you all something.....................There are still a lot of things that you don't know about me...............The man...................Who brought us here....................Is my father. Sara: YOUR WHAT?! How can we trust you?! You could turn on us any m- Fuda: Shut up Sara. We don't know a thing about you so I think you have little room to talk. Plus from what I've seen Rachel is pretty trustworthy. She saved my life and thats enough for me. Sara: ............................Whatever(Sharply turns her head to Sara.) You were saying?! Rachel: Right! Right..........................As I was saying hes my father. He taught me all my tricks. And when I was five he,my mom, and my brother were killed. Or so I thought. He hired the man to kill them. And when the man looked at me he said.................(Begins crying).he said..They never loved you...........................(Breaks down) Starfire: What the hell is going on? Who are you and how the hell did i get here? Starfire: I may not know what happened at the bar. But you think you can kick me and get away with it your crazy. Sara: Kicked you? Rachel: You were drun- Sara: Did I say you could open you could open your mouth? Rachel: OK, maybe I held this secret from you for 11 months but that doesn't mean I'm betraying you? Starfire: It seems you three have issues. It's really none of my business. But next time you want to fight i won't hold back. Now if you three don't mind. I'm getting the hell out of here and finish my break before i have another mission to do. Starfire: Do any of you know where the hell we are? Rachel: My house...................a small condo in the middle of nowhere. Fuda: OK. I'll just fly! Rachel: DON'T! (Fuda tries to fly but is quickly shocked) Sara: Electro magnetic field.............. Starfire: It seems that who every brought the four of us here really wants to die a painful death. Flying's not going to work and nither will touching what ever the hell that is. Well damn this isn't good. Starfire:What the hell is going on? Who brought us here and Why? I'm not in the Mood nor am i happy to be here. If this is a trap someone will pay. Rachel: The prohecy states that four girls were in a battle against Mumrha. Through cooperation they won. But 4,000 years later he returned. Bigger and Stronger than ever. However just like before the girls won. But another year came and Mumrha's son came. His father's strength was lightyears away from his. The girls did not stand a chance. But then the Legend of Ciara came to reality. Saving the girls's lives. But not it's own. Out of fatigue all four died. This is their resting place. Fuda: So we are the ancestors of Ciara? Freaky...................... Starfire: Your telling me about something as stupid as that. I'm sorry but i do not believe in stuff like that and besides why they hell would they pick three people that have a good friendship and one that knows nothing of the 3. This must be some trap by those idiot marines and you must be apart of it. Sorry Girl but it sounds to me like a bunch of bull. Sara: I believe you. And were pirate whoever you are. Starfire: I'm not in the mood to care but if you must know who i am it's Star or Starfire. Rachel: OK girl we don't know you got any powers we can get a hold of? Starfire:One I know none of you so why the hell would i go telling you what i can do are you stupid? Two even if i did have a power i would not go telling it off somewhere it only leads to trouble. And Three well there's no three but i just felt like saying it. Idiots this worlds full of idiots i swear. Sara: Bitch................Anyway it looks like its up to me. Rachel you come up with a plan while Fuda talks to miss "I'm too cool to get my life saved by these three women". Rachel: OK. Fuda: Anyone want to switch?! Please?! (Both shake thier heads) Fuda: Fine................... Starfire: I don't need my life saved by you three and if it was up to me i wouldn't even be here. Now unlike you three i can handle living in the most hellish places. Besides i bet you three couldn't handle being alone Sara: How do you think we've survived being pirates and outlaws for 9 MONTHS! Rachel: If you wanna die its fine with us. But don't stand in our way. Or we won't hold back. We will kill you. And be your worst nightmare. Starfire looks at Rachel with a evil smile. The air around Starfire becomes a little darker. Starfire: My worst nightmare ehh? You wouldn't even know what my worst nightmares are or what a nightmare is. I wonder Have any of you ever heard the marines talk about a serten Demon Girl? Starfire: Know what forget this. Starfire:A way out. (The field snaps back and Star is electrocuted) Sara: Grrrr..........Gah!!!! (Sara opens the field big enough for someone to get through) Sara: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Thats it..........I am s-(Faints) Rachel: Sara! You know what tramp? I don't care if any of us escape. I just hope you die. (Fuda turns into a Colchian Dragon and she a STEEMING Rachel, and a unconcious Sara prepare for flight) Fuda: (Turns her head back) You know? I regret ever getting mad at Sara, your just a sad woman with a man named Nova Blade who left you for a witch. Yeah thats right.He left you for the a witch...............A ll respect to her. At least she can keep a man. (Finally the the three fly off to the Falcon's location with Rachel's direction. And the moment they were about to reach the horizon line Rachel shoots a spine chilling glare at Starfire.) Starfire: I know i know. Keep telling me what i already know isn't helping. Starfire: Well just need to steal this and get back to finish my break. Maybe see if there's anything good to eat there. (Suddenly the boat breaks and chains constrict SF pulling her to the bottom of the sea) (When she wakes up) ????: Oh goody! Your alive! Now I can do the thing you hate most....TEST! Starfire: I'LL BREAK OUT OF HERE AND KILL YOU YOU BASTARD. YOU WON'T EVEN LIVE AFTER IM DONE WITH YOU LET ME OUT YOU STUPID BASTARD. I WON'T LET YOU TRY ANYTHING YOU BASTARD. Starfire: Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want you bastard? Archeologist: You should haves listened to my daughter. My name is Raichard Tomb. And I want you to find that sword. That sword's (Points to Star's sword) Grandmother. Starfire: You want me to find another Sword? You brought me here and tied me up just so i could find another Sword? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? WHEN I GET FREE YOUR GOING TO WISH YOU NEVER SET YOUR EYES ON ME! I WILL BECOME YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT! Raichard: All I wanted to do is help you........You see I am a revo. Liek you. Back then.......................Rachel's mother and brother were Marines.....They were gonna kill her......................So(Tears up) I had to..................Anyway,,,,,,,,,,,,,I need you to get that sword...........I need all four of you to be together.I JUST WANT THE MARINES DEAD! They turned my own son and wife against my daughter................ Starfire: Your telling me that you hate the marines. Yea sure and you smell worst then a dog. You think i would fall for that lie. I'm not some poor girl. I'm smarter then you think i am. R: OK Bitch. If my little wants you dead.YOULL DIE!!!!!!!! (Suddenly a ghostly voice screams) R: Your..............Your alive........ (A sword is revealed) Sword: My Grandson........................(The sword wails in pain as she tries to break free) Starfire: I did not see that coming. Why didn't you tell me about this. Did you think i would never figure it out. What did you think you could wait until the right time and say oh Idiot girl i forgot to tell you there's a legend that your apart of that has my grandmother in it. I thought you were my friend but i guess even you hide things from me. What else are you hiding? R: Well this is awkward..........................I'm just gonna............(Sidestps out of the room) Sword: Yeah me too..............(Stops Glowing) Starfire: Please tell me it's a lie. Starfire: Fine i;ll hear you out but this better be good or else. (Flash back) Man: We have looked for the last 5 years but we have not found her are you sure will find her? Man: I hope your right. I really do miss reading all those books. Man: Ok for now lets keep sarching. Man: I feel we should just give up and go to the next island. I don't think the girl will show up now. 'Sword:' Give me one more day to try. I have a feeling that we're going get lucky tomorrow. Man: Fine one more day and if we do not find here we will go to the4 next island ok. 'Sword: 'Fine if we do not find her tomorrow then we can go to the next island. Man: Thank you. Man: What is wrong do you feel Mumrha near? Man: Really you feel her. How far is she? Man: Well lets hurry up and get ready. Man: So anything? Man: That's said what could've happened to have her feel so much pain? Man: Well what should we do? Man: Oh thanks well i wish you luck but you know one day you will have to tell her. Man: It will never be easy to tell someone their apart of a legend. Man: As do i. (Flash back ends) Starfire: It's fine you did tell me just not till just now. I guess even swords have secrets. Starfire: Try to get the hell out of here and find those girls and ask them for forgivenness. Starfire: Nope but if i don't try i won't get anywhere. GS: OH! THIS IS SO NICE! Now girl can you PLEASE get me out of this stone? But I must warn you...........The spirit of Mumrha will awaken a soon as you pull me out......................Please..be careful. Starfire: Sorry Lady sword but careful is not in my name. Starfire: Quiet you and do your thing. I'm still a little mad at you. Starfire: I understand now lets do this. Starfire: You know i think this is a new start in our friendship. Starfire: I'm going I'm going. R: You could've told me!!!! Anyway I'll get the girls, you three hold him off. Starfire: Do not dare to order me arould after all the shit you put me through. After this is all over you will have me to deal with got it you bastard. Starfire had the Grandmother sword in one hand and unsheltered her sword and got in a fight stance in front of Mumrha. Starfire: Listen freak i may not understand a whole lot of what's going on but it seems like your my enemy right now so lets do this.