| - Freed from Iron Heights, the Reverse-Flash vows to change "everything", and speeds through time, looking for a specific story...
In the 25th century, life is lived at a fast pace. And into this world is born Eobard Thawne. A bright imaginative boy, Eobard is too much for his parents, so they decide to have a second child and get Eobard to look after him, forcing the boy to grow up. Unable to concentrate on his studies, Eobard ends up getting caught hacking into the Flash Museum mainframe - by his brother Robern, who has become a policeman. Eobard is filled with rage at what his young life has become, when a mysterious man apears and grabs Robern. There is a flash of bizarre red lightning...
An only child, Eobard is able to graduate with flying colors. He applies for the post of professor at the Central City Flash Museum. However, the occupant of the postion, the eminent Professor Drake, tells him he is not wanted. Eobard is about to leave in anger, but there is another flash...
Gaining the position of Professor, Eobard impresses everyone with his knowledge of the subject matter, gaining the nickname "Professor Zoom". He puts all the time he can spare into researching the mythical Speed Force, up until the day when his concerned parents convinced a local counsellor to temporarily shut down his research.
He puts all the time he can spare into researching the mythical Speed Force, even on the day his parents and a local counsellor are killed in a freak weather incident. He assumed he would never find love, until the day he met Rose, a reporter for Central City Science Today. However, she was engaged.
He assumed he would never find love, until the day he met Rose, a reporter for Central City Science Today. However, her fiancé had vanished several weeks ago, and she was worried about him.
He assumed he would never find love, until the day he met Rose, a reporter for Central City Science Today. However, she had never had a boyfriend for longer than a month, in a spate of fatal accidents. In addition to which, she did not reciprocate his feelings.
He assumed he would never find love. And he was right. Rose died in a hospital, after something happened to her at age 5 which left her dazed and nonresponsive.
It was at this point that Eobard found a time capsule, unearthed by a lightning strike. And inside it was a costume worn by the Flash. Eobard, feeling the hand of destiny in his otherwise unremarkable life, used his research into the Speed Force to replicate the Flash's powers in himself. He decided to become the Flash of the 25th century, saving a woman who fell off a building when she felt a sudden gust of wind. He is beloved by the people...
...all of which is old news to the Reverse-Flash, who knows how the story of Eobard Thawne ends. Having seen the story, the Reverse-Flash decides to strike out at Barry Allen by "stealing his future".
- Professor Zoom observes his death at the hands of Barry Allen. Despite everything else that he has changed, he knows he cannot destroy Barry Allen, since Allen is the domino that has to fall. Without Allen, the Speed Force will never exist, Professor Zoom will never be inspired to fight him, and Zoom will never be able to kill Allen in the first place. And so Zoom can do nothing. Yet. Because the Negative Speed Force could grant him any number of powers and today he must find out what those are...
| - * Since it focuses on Professor Zoom, this isue is, de facto, a Brightest Day tie-in. And since it concerns Zoom's impending dastardly plan, it is, de facto, a Flashpoint tie-in. But it is not labelled as either. To true nerds, this information would be superfluous. To everyone else, it is overkill.
* The second story mentions that, on the day Sir Isaac Newton coined the theorem, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction," he was attacked by the Reverse-Flas but saved by the Flash. It is also implied that this helped the theorem to crystallize.