| - The last moon had not been very normal, even for LakeClan. It especially had not been normal for the two mates Wildfire and Crescentmoon, loyal members of LakeClan but with not the best relatives. Wildfire's family, a malicious group of rogues, had begun a war with the Clans. The older members of StarClan had not wanted to interfere with the Clan cats, so two young members--a previous medicine cat named Faithtear and Butch, a bulldog who Wildfire knew when she was still a rogue--decided to form a rebel group of young StarClan members. They called it SageClan, after the Morning Sage, a creature that could take the form of a giant lion or a crystal. He had been created by StarClan to fight a great battle long ago, but had been supposedly destroyed by Maliceheart, a Place of No Stars member w
| - The last moon had not been very normal, even for LakeClan. It especially had not been normal for the two mates Wildfire and Crescentmoon, loyal members of LakeClan but with not the best relatives. Wildfire's family, a malicious group of rogues, had begun a war with the Clans. The older members of StarClan had not wanted to interfere with the Clan cats, so two young members--a previous medicine cat named Faithtear and Butch, a bulldog who Wildfire knew when she was still a rogue--decided to form a rebel group of young StarClan members. They called it SageClan, after the Morning Sage, a creature that could take the form of a giant lion or a crystal. He had been created by StarClan to fight a great battle long ago, but had been supposedly destroyed by Maliceheart, a Place of No Stars member who was Crescentmoon's father and an ally with the rogues. But it turned out that the Sage had just been become dormant in his crystal form. As an ancient prophecy predicted, the true Keeper of the Sage was the only one who could wake him up, and in the darkest hour for LakeClan. The Keeper of the Sage turned out to be Peach, Wildfire's mother and a member of the rogues. She had realized that she wanted to help her daughter. Just as the Great Battle between the four Clans--LakeClan, EarthClan, CrackedClan, and SwiftClan--and the rogues began, Peach became one with the Sage, transforming into a giant lioness and renaming herself Peachsage. Meanwhile, in the battle, Wildfire was scratched all the way down her back by a rogue, and she was holding onto life. Crescentmoon, who had already been killed and had joined SageClan, stayed with her through the battle, even though he desperately wanted to fight Maliceheart with his brother, Moongaze. The two had watched as Peachsage had rushed into battle, killing most of the rogues until fallen by Rush. They had watched as Rush, who had ran away from her mother when she was young and did not remember her, learned the truth: she was Wildfire's littermate and therefore Peach's daughter. And all the cats had watched as Peach died, and the members of SageClan carried the Morning Sage's spirit into Rush, making her Rushsage, a she-cat that could transform into a lioness. Rushsage then created a Clan of her own from the remaining rogues, calling it LoneClan, the Clan of Rebels. Best of all, SageClan and StarClan apoligized to each other (though they remained seperate), and Badgerstar and Woodstar, the leaders of SageClan and StarClan respectedly, gave Crescentmoon another life for his loyalty to Wildfire, who had miraculously recovered from her injury. There was now peace in the world of the Clans--or was there?!