| - Janet is the former spouse of Steve, Frank Underwood's bodyguard.
- Janet was an assistant to Evelyn Ankers, the banquet manager at the Babylon Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. Evelyn would often have herself or Janet stationed at the entrance to the ballroom to make sure everyone had dressed properly.
- Janet is a teenage Earthling who is a student in Orange Star High School. She first appears in Dragon Ball SF. After meeting Pan, she finds her behavior to be quite unusual, and also becomes jealous of the fact that Gail seems to like her. At some point, she will drop these feelings of envy and will become depressed for a while. This is only until Sunto Hatchilock, one of Gail's friends comforts her and asks to be her boyfriend. The two develop a great relationship. Eventually, Sunto will ask for her hand in marriage, and the two will start a family. The first child being Nate Hatchilock.
- Janet is a squid who Charlotte befriends in the end of the web series. Janet helps Charlotte create the Vendetta Statue Fiend in The End of All Things, and also helps Charlotte to safety in the same episode. A squid that looks a lot like Janet appears at the end of "Toupee", but she is significantly smaller in size. The toupee fiend lands on her head when he is dropped off into the sea.
- Janet es uno de los personajes de Un Show Más, ella era una acompañante de Beto Bullicio y apareció junto con Cris en el capitulo del mismo nombre (Beto Bullicio), se desconoce su paradero pero ha hecho muchos cameos. Actualmente está desempleada por los hechos de El Regreso de Beto Bullicio junto con Cris.
- Janet is a female human with hair the color of red-gold maple leaves and brown eyes.
- Janet – postać występująca w Grand Theft Auto V i Grand Theft Auto Online. Janet jest barmanką w barze Yellow Jack Inn. Jest ona żoną Josefa, o czym dowiadujemy się w misji Trevor Philips Industries, kiedy to Trevor pomaga Josefowi pokonać mężczyznę, z którym się bił, po czym Trevor oczekuje, że zwycięzca bójki dostanie zakaz wstępu do lokalu, ale Janet mówi mu, że nie może dać mu zakazu, ponieważ jest to jej mąż. Poza misjami można ją spotkać w barze.
- Janet is a character appearing in Pokémon: Advanced.
- When Doran was commissioned to journey around Deltora and write a travelling guide, he visited Greasy's Place. It was thirty years since Janet had taken over the tavern, but she did not mind that people still called it by the original owner's name. She only cared that visitors paid promptly for their stay and refrained from fighting.
- Janet is a young Hatchery apprentice. When she endangers a dinosaur egg, she runs away. During this time, she is entrusted with the egg of a rare, dying Saurolophus.
- A laid back boss.
- Janet - członkini Karmazynowej Karawany.
- Janet appears in The Doom in the Gloom.
- Janet is an NPC.
- Janet (Janetto in Japanese) is an elf Archer and a member of the Shining Force in the game Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing.
- Janet is Arnold's only cousin. She is voiced by Renessa Blitz.
- She seemed to be oblivious to Stewie's admiration and continuously asks for cookies. In the end Stewie realizes all she wants is his, and anyone else's cookies and does not return his love. She has green eyes. She is voiced by Tara Strong.
- Se desconoce de su pasado excepto que conoció a un hombre llamado Jim Stockman que al del tiempo se convirtió en su novio o esposo. En 2014, Jim tuvo que alejarse de Janet debido que tenia que trabajar como Técnico de comunicaciones en el metanero llamado, Annabelle. Posiblemente después del 5 de Octubre, lloro cunado recibió la noticia de la desaparición del barco sin saber que murió en el accidente causado por Eveline.
- Janet (メグミ Megumi en japonés) es un personaje eventual del anime y una coordinadora Pokémon que debutó en el episodio ¡El alucinante brillo de Beautifly! (ES) / Todas las cosas brillantes y hermosas (HA) ‹№›. Fue la primera coordinadora que apareció en el anime.
- Janet is a character who debuted in The Jeremy Horror Picture Show series. Her appearance is based off of Candace Flynn. She has the same age as Candace.
- Janet is a character on Fuller House, portrayed by Kimberley Drummond.
- Janet Trungle is a newspaper writer interviewing Tom in 2017. She is played by Helen Hong and appears only in season seven as a guest star.
- Janet came into the Mayo Clinic with a PDA and a heart blockage.
- Janet is a A4 tugboat and Warrior`s sister in the star tugs. Janet pay back Zak for calling her goosing. Captain Star tell her to take a passenger ship. Sunshine help him,but she said she don`t need help. Then suddenly she crash in the rocks where Grampus was under the water. Then Janet ask sunshine to help. At 7:40 Captain Star tell her to ask help next time. The next time she did ask help.
- Portrayed by Kris Tel [Episode #72: "Classification: Dead"].
- Janet is one of the characters of Regular show , she was a companion of Beto Bullicio and appeared along with Cris in the chapter of the same name (Party Pete ), its whereabouts unknown but has made many cameos. She is currently unemployed due to the events of Party Re-Pete along with Cris.
- Janet was born on December 19, 2025 in Elysium General Hospital to Bagel and Lucy.
- Janet was a young woman who lived in Los Angeles and a good friend of the Reyes brothers.
- Janet is a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Janet was the sister of Nancy Reborg and the aunt of Jenny.
- Despite her high-security systems, Janet frequently invited stranger aboard to gamble with her. She was an accomplished gambler, but never shared her profits with Odogoth, whom she constantly insulted. Her cargo holds were converted into:
* a bay for a police cruiser and a Flash speeder
* two B10 multienvironmental prisoner transport modules
* living space for the Fanatical Twenty and a nek Her two storage closets were converted into housing for two baby kaadu, one DUM-series pit droid, and one BRM-series droid.
- In "Another Bad Thanksgiving", after a night of sex with Holt, they run off to Las Vegas to get married. When Donna finds out she has left them with her boys, Donna insists they go to Vegas where she confronts Janet and tells her that Holt's feelings are real and not to be thrown away on one of her whims. During their vows, she realizes exactly what Donna had been trying to tell her and calls off the wedding, telling Holt she'll still come around for sex once in awhile. This may imply that they are still together, in a long distance relationship.