| - Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare :
* Compagnie du chemin de fer du métropolitain de ParisCatégorie:Gare (CMP).
* Régie Autonome des Transports ParisiensCatégorie:Gare (RATP).
- What does your character look like? Write it here.
- Short paragraph about the subject. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
- The Temple also known as the Temple of Morgoth was built by Sauron for the worship of Melkor during his time in Númenor.
- A temple is a structure that is used for religious purposes.
- The Temple is the seventh building, costing 20 million cookies. Each temple initially produces 7,800 cookies per second. Temples can be upgraded with sugar lumps, unlocking the Pantheon minigame. __TOC__
- thumb|Temple in GTA SA Temple is een district in Los Santos, San Andreas.
- Temple is a multiplayer map in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. It is a revamped version of The Temple from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. The map is now set at night, and comes with the Flashback Map Pack DLC.
- The Temple is an adventure map structure in the Heroes of Might and Magic series. In Heroes II temple provides +2 morale for the next battle that the hero fights. This only last for one battle, and only for the hero who visited it. There is no battle, and it is free to visit. In Heroes III it provides +2 morale on the seventh day of the week, and +1 morale on other days. This only last for one battle, and only for the hero who visited it.
- A temple was a type of building used for religious purposes; places of worship, ceremony, or other religious activities. Temples were commonly used by religious and spiritual groups in many races and cultures. Common architectural elements in temples include large interior spaces, often in the form of colonnaded halls, and sometimes including an altar.
- Major Temple was a British Army Intelligence officer who apologized to Indiana Jones for the incident that led to him having to jump out of a plane and into the English Channel.
- The Temple was an essential part of worshipping God for the children of Israel in the Bible. Prior to the Temple, they made sacrifices and offerings in the Tabernacle that God showed Moses how to make and assemble in the wilderness. As with the Tabernacle, the Temple had an inner shrine called the Holy of Holies in which only the high priest can enter bearing the blood of a clean animal without blemish to atone for the people's sins as well as for his own—a yearly occurrence that would point the way to Jesus Christ making the perfect atonement for all sins with His own blood shed on the cross.
- Click image for full size version. File:Temple (City of Neftet) Live.jpg|The temple File:Temple (City of Neftet) 2 Live.jpg|Temple File:Temple (City of Neftet) 3 Live.jpg|Entrance to the dungeon File:Temple (City of Neftet) 4 Live.jpg|Drop Point File:Temple (City of Neftet) 5 Live.jpg|Bak'tshay Statue near drop point File:Temple (City of Neftet) 6 Live.jpg|Stairs File:Temple (City of Neftet) 7 Live.jpg|Detail of Stairs File:Door (City of Neftet) Live.jpg|Door File:Temple (City of Neftet) 8 Live.jpg|Lecture File:Temple (City of Neftet) 9 Live.jpg|Chest Room 1 File:Temple (City of Neftet) 10 Live.jpg|Chest Room 2 File:Temple (City of Neftet) 11 Live.jpg|Steamy Room File:Temple (City of Neftet) 12 Live.jpg|Boss Room
- Temple is an area in the west end of Glasgow. It is bordered by Anniesland to the east, Knightswood to the south and east with the town of Bearsden to the north. Housing here is a mixture of cottage flats in the west and tenements in the east. They have been joined by semi detached and terraced housing in recent years.
- Temple is the third novel by Matthew Reilly. The book is unique for having a split plot; one half following the story of William Race, a professor of linguistics at New York University while the other half follows the story of Alberto Santiago, a Spanish monk who lived arond 500 years before the modern events of the story who wrote his adventures down in a old manuscript, which William Race reads to help his team to find the Idol.
- Le Temple est un sanctuaire vraisemblablement construit par une population égyptienne. Il s'agit d'un lieu protégé par un mur d'enceinte où se réfugient souvent les Autres, ou du moins une partie du groupe, qui est menée par Dogen et Lennon. Le Temple est situé à environ un jour et demi de marche des Baraquements dans une zone de l'île que Danielle Rousseau appelle le Territoire Sombre, zone où le Monstre est particulièrement présent.
- A lot depends on this construction.
- The Temple(聖堂Seidō) is a room located near the center of The Castle.
- Temple - specjalne pomieszczenie tylko dla memberów dostępne podczas Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit.
- Temple is a mutant with mental powers, and her friend is Distain
- Temple is the Gold Ranger of the Division Space Rangers.
- |-|Worker Training Buildings = |-|Hero Training Buildings = |} File:Summary Temple.png File:Building Temple.png Unlocked by level 3 Town Hall.
- Le temple fait partie du Château de La Valette. C'est là que Geralt rencontre l'Archiprêtre et Arthur Taillès en se diregeant vers le Prieuré afin to trouver les enfants de Foltest, Anaïs et Bussy.
- The Temple is a building type in Pharaoh.
- Temple is a roleplaying guild on the Sentinels server. We practice an open, common-sense approach to Warcraft, prioritizing a close-knit, respectful community of folks who enjoy playing the game together. While we often raid in addition to roleplay, we do not consider ourselves a raiding guild. We have an entirely different set of priorities, and no matter what you like to get out of your gaming experience, if you're a like-minded individual we may have a place for you.
- Encounters:
* 2 Vampiric Wolves, 3 Worgs & 2 Dread Wolves at 4780, 650
* 7 Hobgoblins with Cattack at 3500, 2600
- Every major city (Marali, Andris, Mirith, Lerilin) has a temple. Other temples include Brigobaen, the Northern Temple east of Duldrus, and the one on the island near Skull Island, often refered to as Craussar's Island, or Temple Island. The one at PvP Island is the gateway to its Black Lands. A few Dungeons even contain them, especially the deadliest ones. This can be a mixed blessing, depending on navigation.
- It is one of the largest stages. There are two distinct levels on this stage. The upper level is fairly wide. The lower area is fairly concise with a medium platform leading to a separate circular platform.
- The Temple is a room dedicated to the dark gods where creatures can worship and/or be sacrificed to gain rewards. Worship makes creatures happy. It also protects them from Scavenging; any creature assigned to worship in the Temple will protect 2 more of its kind from scavenging, and its own immunity to scavenging lingers for about 1½ minutes after it leaves. Worship also cures the conditions of Chicken and Disease. One should be aware of the recipes, or be willing to bear the risks, when indulging in sacrifice. Not all creatures or recipes produce desirable results.
- The Temple is where most of first season of the Duel Masters Anime is featured.
- Constitution and Dexterity check occur more often in temples.
- The Temple is the unholy place where orcs come to make sacrifices to their gods, and the necromancers of the land gather to invoke the will of their dark masters. This is the only place where necrolytes can be recruited to assist you in purging the land of human settlements. The need for a blood offering has only recently been replaced by one of gold, and no assistance will be sanctioned until it is made. The immense, sacrificial alters used in the necrolytes’ rituals must be built of the mystic Blackroot, hence a lumber mill must be used to locate and specially prepare the wood. (WC1manO 29)
- Temple is a Gen Inc researcher that was stationed at the Strata Medical Laboratory in Antarctica.
- A temple (神殿 Shinden?) is a Magic Circle (not necessarily in the format of a building) that converts the foundational Power of the World into a usable medium, producing massive amounts of energy. One can be constructed on a short notice to accommodate powerful spells and can also be a long-standing structure that represents the word's more conventional usage.
- Temples are buildings that often house an altar to restore prayer points. They are usually dedicated to god Zamorak, as opposed to churches which are dedicated to Saradomin.
- L'utilité principale du temple se traduit essentiellement par les trois PNJs qu'il contient. Chaque temple a son Négociant de Classe , son Entraineur de Classe ainsi que son Guide de Classe .
- Temple är ett distrikt i nordvästra Los Santos. Det ligger öster om Vinewood, väster om Mullholland Intersection, söder om Mullholland och norr om Market. Det finns flera hus, ett Pay n' Spray och ett Transfender. Det finns två gäng i området, Temple Drive Families och Temple Drive Ballas. Det kan vara så att distriktet först var tänkt att heta Sunnyside, eftersom polisen kallar platsen det över polisradion om man begår ett brott i området.
- Temple is a nightclub located in San Francisco, California, Unites States.
- Order of the Templar, also simply known as Temple, is a secret holy organization that safeguards great power from those who wish to use it for evil. The Templars may very well be one of the most elite holy fighting forces on Azeroth, between their tactics - their beliefs and their unwavering commitment to ending evil. It is co-lead by Silverhaven and Silverghost. Nearly since its creation, stood side by side with the Order of the Golden Law, and now the Oathsworn - both forces working towards a common goal against evil - each with their own unique brand of righteously infused justice.
- Temple is a district of Los Santos, San Andreas. It is bordered by Downtown Los Santos to the east, Market to the south, Mulholland to the north and Vinewood to the west.
- The' 'Temple is a multi-player place only. It is supposed to be an old abandoned temple. The wide open arena gives the players the ability to easily hit each other and always see each other.
- The Shee Temple was one of the most mystical places in all of Albia. It was unearthed in Creatures 2 when the landscape opened up to reveal the Shee's experimentation laboratories and other work sites. Ali Maggs made an object that ported part of the temple, a statue, into the original Creatures game, which was well received by norns through curious effects. References to the temple and mysterious race of Shee have made a significant impact on all of the games.
- The temple is a location in Submachine 9: The Temple.
- Göbekli Tepe, located in southern Turkey, is the oldest-known, existing temple in the world. It was built approximately 11,000 years ago.
- The cliffside is a very long way down. If you fall off, you'll die instantly. It is possible, but very, very difficult, to push enemies off the cliffside. There is a rare small glitch where if you blow yourself up and fall off the cliff, the camera will be pushed slightly down, through the floor.
- The Temple is a multiplayer stage in Perfect Dark. It was ported from Goldeneye 007 with new textures and a slight redesign.
- Temples have several uses, chief among them is resurrecting heroes with all their experience remaining. It is also possible to donate gold or resources to raise reputation. A fairly high reputation is necessary to declare war and send vassal offers.
- Il y a beaucoup de temples (時) dans la série de The Legend of Zelda, principalement dans Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, et The Wind Waker.
- The Temple is a civilian building and must be built within the economic radius of a city. It increases the city's national borders, hit points, and attack range, essentially making it (much) harder to capture. The Temple also has two technology lines available for research, with the first one increasing the effects of temples and the second one increasing the gather rates of Wealth and Rare Resources.
- Lieutenant junior grade Temple was a female Human 24th century Starfleet officer. In 2366, she served as a nurse aboard the USS Enterprise-D. In 2366, after Geordi La Forge experienced an energy discharge from a neurolink with "John Doe", Doctor Beverly Crusher ordered Temple to give La Forge a full bioscan. She was to check for residual effects. Later, she was one of the medical staff assigned to monitor "John Doe", an evolving Zalkonian. (TNG: "Transfigurations" )
- miniatur|Ein Blick auf den Stadtteil Temple miniatur|Eine Luftaufnahme von Temple Temple (dt. Tempel; ehem. Sunnyside) ist ein Stadtteil aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, der sich im Norden von Los Santos befindet und auf North Hollywood basiert. Er grenzt im Norden an Mulholland, im Osten an Downtown, im Süden an Market und im Westen an Vinewood.
- The Temple is the most important Building in the game. It's the building you build first with your Priest and it gives you control of the main island. In addition, it allows you to build Bridge Pieces and Golem Transport units which are an integral part of the game. Without bridges, you are helpless since you can't leave your island and without Golems you have to rely on other means of Transport. Taking out an enemy's Temple in the game is as good as defeating him since without it, you can build on his island, destroy his workshops (assuming he has any left by then) and cripple him. It is also a drop off point for Storm Crystals and also primary source of Energy. Temples also regenerate hit points to your Priest. Without a temple your priest cannot be recovered when immobilized.
- Temple es un barrio situado al noroeste de Los Santos, justo al norte de la Avenida de Vinewood. Por Temple se mueve un grupo de los Families, los Temple Drive Families, aunque después de la misión "The Green Sabre" desaparecen y los Ballas pasan a ocupar este territorio, luego el jugador puede decidir si quiere reconquistarlo o dejarlo bajo control de los Ballas.
- The Temple was the idea of a permanent house of worship to succeed the Tabernacle. The idea was manifested through two structures, one built by Solomon and another built by Zerubbabel. In addition the prophet Ezekiel received a vision concerning a Third Temple and its dimensions.
- The Temple is a type of Town Building. The Temple may be built by any race except the Klackons. A town must already contain a Shrine in order to construct a Temple. The Temple's base construction cost is File:Icon Production.png . Also, for the majority of races, the Temple can unlock two additional structures for construction: the Parthenon (a further step down the Religious development branch) and/or the Animists' Guild (which has many beneficial effects).
- A Temple is a building able to be built from the Prehistoric Age. It is used to train Priests and Prophets and also to research bonuses for them. As well as this, any unit within range is safe from Calamities. Raise Prophet HP. Mysticism, Prophecy and Occultism. (All 90) Raise Prophet speed: Sandals, Oracle and Tarot. (All 1) Increase Prophet range: Shamanism, Sainthood and Astrology. (All 1) Increase Temple range: Ancestor Worship, Monotheism, Crusades and Sunday School. (All 1) Raise Priest speed: Mythology, Indulgences, Radio Services and Virtual Services. (All 1)
- A temple is a PZ (protection zone) where players are sent to when they have died or are teleported. Every major city has such a temple. Rookgaard's temple is the only one that's not a PZ, whereas the temple on the Plains of Havoc is the only temple at which players cannot respawn and cannot be teleported to. Apart from these 2 temples, all other temples are also Resting Areas. Also, in many cities, you can find teleporters to Holy Shrines in temples.
- Een tempel is een protection zone (Met uitzondering van Rookgaard waar de tempel dus GEEN protection zone is) waarheen de spelers worden verplaatst op het moment dat ze dood zijn gegaan of geteleporteerd zijn. Elke stad heeft een eigen tempel, behalve ook hier weer de stadjes die behoren tot een van de grotere steden. Je wordt altijd geplaatst in de tempel van je hometown op het moment dat je wordt geteleporteerd of sterft. Je kunt zelf je hometown bepalen, voor meer informatie: Lees het artikel Hometown
- First seen in The Matrix Reloaded, a rave-like celebration takes place there after Morpheus returns and delivers a stirring speech that rallies the people of Zion to his cause of fighting the Machines' Sentinel army which is quickly tunneling towards them. Believers must take their shoes off and go barefoot before entering the temple.
- thumb|250px|Temple Temple – dzielnica mieszkalna Los Santos położona w jego centrum. Graniczy od południa z Marketem, od zachodu z Vinewood, od północy z Mulholland, a od wschodu ze Śródmieściem. Wzorowana na dzielnicy East Hollywood w Los Angeles. Jest to dość bogata dzielnica w której mieszka śmietanka towarzyska miasta o czym świadczy stan domów. Opanowana przez Rodziny z Grove Street (uniwersum 3D). Temple należy do najbogatszych miejsc Los Santos zachęcając swym położeniem w sąsiedztwie Vinewood, gdzie jak wiadomo odbywają się gale rozdania nagród dla sławnych osobistości. Można tu znaleźć m in. salon tuningowy, Burger Shot, Pay 'n' Spray i klub komediowy.