| - Passel Argente was a male Koorivar who was the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance and a member of the Galactic Senate representing his homeworld, Kooriva, in the final days of the Galactic Republic. He pledged his forces to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and served on the Separatist Council until his death at the hands of Darth Vader on Mustafar at the culmination of the Clone Wars.
- Passel Argente Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži
- Passel Argente koorivai férfi volt, a Vállalatszövetség elöljárója, a klónok háborúja alatt a Független Rendszerek Könfedereciójának és a Szeparatista Tanácsnak tagja. A Kooriva bolygón született, bár később, a klónok háborúja idején a Murkhanára költözött.
- Passel Argente was a Koorivar Male who was an important figure during the Clone Wars.
- Argenten kotiplaneetta oli Koorivar, mutta hän asui Murkhanalla kloonisotien aikana.
- [Source] Passel Argente était un Koorivar et le Magistrat de l'Alliance des Corporations.
- Passel Argente fue un varón Koorivar quien se desempeñó como Magistrado de la Alianza Corporativa y miembro del Senado Galáctico en representación de su mundo natal Kooriva en los últimos días de la República Galáctica. Era un Koorivar, natal del planeta Kooriva, aunque después viviera en Murkhana, en el momento que llegaron las Guerras Clon.
- Passel Argente was a male Koorivar from the planet of Kooriva. He was the Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance and was previously a member of the Galactic Senate representing his homeworld during the last days of the Republic. Following the outbreak of the Separatist Crisis, Argente had pledged his allegience to the Confederacy of Independent Systems and joined it along with the Corporate Alliance as well.