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- The objective of this article is to provide a general guide for dealing with stubs. The first section, Basic information, contains information that is recommended for most users. The second half, Creating stub types contains more specialized material.
- Stubs are articles that have insufficient information. Stubs are generally small articles that can be greatly expanded. They usually contain a paragraph or less. However, this does not mean the stub is not a legitimate article; it just needs to be expanded.
- A stub is a short article that does not go into detail about the subject. To use the stub template, just put in {{stub}} into the article that you are editing. It should look like this: This article is a stub. Please help PNWcommunity by expanding it.
- To use the stub template type/copy {{Stub}} to mark pages as stubs.
- This article is a stub. Someone has entered the name - but that's about it...
- Gli stub di Nonciclopedia sono voci rimaste incomplete poiché probabilmente l'autore è morto o si è addormentato dopo un ultimo tiro di marijuana.
- A stub is an article which has the minimal entry of information on a topic. Stubs should typically be expanded, or merged if they are too specific to write a good article on.
- A stub is a short article with UnAdequate encyclopedic data. es:Esbozo fr:Stub it:Stub ja:スタブ ko:토막글 lv:Stub nl:Beginnetje pt:Esboço
- Stubs are Millsberry Wiki articles that have insufficient information. Stubs are generally one paragraph or less which give little or no information. However, this does not mean the stub is not a legitimate article; it just needs to be expanded.
- Stub é o termo da wikia em inglês para páginas incompletas. São páginas que foram iniciadas, mas que podem ser complementadas por mais material. Diferente das paginas em construção, o editor já postou todo o material que possui e voce pode contribuir para a melhoria da página com novos materiais e imagens. Para uma lista das paginas incompletas, veja a categoria: Categoria:Stub
- To use the stub template type/copy {{stub}} to mark pages as stubs.
- A stub is an article that needs improvement.
- An Article that Needs Info
- Un stub est un article très court qui a des chances d'être drôle si on l'exhibe, un peu comme ton sexe.
- Stub - (po polsku zalążek, potocznie bele gówno) mały, niedorobiony artykuł na Wikipedii, Bezsensopedii itp. Zrobienie stuba nie wymaga wielkiej pracy, a daje stosunkowo dużą satysfakcję. Z tego powodu stuby rozmnażają się bardzo szybko. Wiele projektów (w tym największe autorytety) oznacza stuby specjalnymi szablonami. Niektóre szczególnie zakompleksione (takie jak Wikipedia) wstydzą się do nich przyznawać.
- A stub is an article that is too short to provide enough information on the subject, but not so short that it provides no useful information at all. Sizable articles which lack wikification or copy editing are generally not considered stubs. Note that small articles with little information may end up being nominated for deletion.
- Een stub is een term, overgenomen van de engelse dofus wiki, voor een artikel dat te kort is om voldoende informatie over een onderwerp te verschaffen maar te lang is om nutteloos te zijn. Op deze wiki kan de stub markering ook worden gebruikt voor pagina's die slecht vertaald zijn, spel of opmaak fouten bevatten of pagina's die bepaalde informatie missen, zoals beschrijvingen, plaatjes of andere belangrijke informatie.
- Ein Stub ist ein Artikel, dessen Inhalt als nicht ausreichend gilt. Das kann ein Artikel sein, wo es nur ein oder zwei kleinere Absätze gibt, die nicht genügend Informationen enthalten. Solche Artikel kannst du mit der Vorlage Bild:Yoda.jpg|88px|left default Yoda desc none Ein Stub, dieser Artikel ist.Nur durch Eure Hilfe, wachsen er kann! Kategorie:Stubmarkieren. Bei Kategorien kannst du auch noch hinzufügen, dass der Artikel ein Stub ist.
- A stub is an article that briefly touches upon the subject of an article, but neglects to give an overall amount of information. They are usually placeholders.
- Termo usado no wikia para definir um artigo incompleto.
- A Stub is a shitty article type that should be purged from this wiki.
- Stub articles, or "stubs", are pages in this wiki which require more information or fact checking.
- A stub is an incomplete article, a beginning which may be expanded upon by other users. Creating a stub implies there will be more information to be added to the article as it becomes available or as time permits. The article should contain enough information to at least introduce the subject. Place a few internal links on key words or phrases. Finally, add a to help sort the new page. This should be placed at the top of the article and takes the forum {{Stub/}}.
- A stub is an article which still needs improvement or that which is not complete. A stub template/tag is a placeholder indicator or marker for an unfinished article in a wiki. Its purpose is to inform visitors that they've arrived at a very unfinished page, and also to automatically classify the page to make it easier for contributors to find and fill out. The other implication of a stub is that the editor who added the stub marker probably doesn't intend to fill out what they think is missing in the near future, and is inviting other editors to do so.
- A Stub is a very short page, usually used as a placeholder to avoid red-links. It may have some actual information on it but is in dire need of expansion and completion, EQ2i is by and for all of us, and every one of us can contribute to as well as use this resource! Use the edit button on any page you fancy to contribute your EQ2 knowledge to this Wiki. See for all the currently marked stubs.
- A Stub is a very short page, usually used as a placeholder to avoid red-links. It may have some actual information on it but is in dire need of expansion and completion, EQ2i is by and for all of us, and every one of us can contribute to as well as use this resource! Use the edit button on any page you fancy to contribute your EQ2 knowledge to this Wiki. See for all the currently marked stubs.
- The stub ruleset is a minimal working ruleset and helps to create a new ruleset from scratch. Since version 2.6 it is available on GitHub in data/stub. Stub rulesets for older releases are available from www.cazfi.net.
- A stub is a very short article, generally of one paragraph or less. Most stubs fail to cover all but the most trivial subject completely.
- Stub was a Malazan sergeant in the employ of Malle of Gris. Brusque and professional, he had the manner of a veteran and the "loose watchfulness of someone poised to kill at any moment". He followed the chain of command and did not respect the orders of those outside it.
- A Stub is a thing invented by Cranky Kong in the 1700's. It is a very tiny piece of information, so lazy people could create articles without them bein full-length. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by making it a larger piece of rubbish .
- A stub is an article containing only a few sentences of text which is short, but not so short as not to provide any useful information.
- Ein Stub ist ein Artikel, dessen Inhalt als nicht ausreichend gilt. Das kann ein Artikel sein, wo es nur ein oder zwei kleinere Absätze gibt, die nicht genügend Informationen enthalten. Solche Artikel kannst du mit der Vorlagemarkieren. Bei Kategorien kannst du auch noch hinzufügen, dass der Artikel ein Stub ist.
- Stubs are MechQuest Wiki articles that have insufficient information. Stubs are generally one paragraph or less which give little or no information. However, this does not mean the stub is not a legitimate article; it just needs to be expanded.
- A stub is a very short article, generally of one paragraph or less, or a very brief description of a much larger subject. Most stubs fail to cover all but the most trivial subject completely.
- Stubs are prWikia entries that have not yet received substantial attention from editors, and as such do not yet contain enough information to be considered full articles. Usually, they are short, do not contain sufficient information and require additions to further increase its usefulness. Stubs as useful first steps toward complete articles and other pages. They are idenitifed by the wording, below: This Public relations-related article is a stub. You can help prWikia by [ expanding it].
- Stubs are very short and poorly written articles found on Darthipedia and elsewhere. A majority of articles on Darthipedia fall into this category. Sad isn't it? Most of them were written by NOOBS who found Darthipedia while looking for porn, didn't even bother to make an account, and wrote a page in five minutes about Kyle Katarn/Chuck Norris, imploding the universe or doing something distasteful to the reader's female parental unit. If you don't think you are one of these beings, in fact calling them that is too much already, then go create something worthwhile..... NOW!