| - Drasus is a human fighter and leader of a small band of adventurers encountered during Baldur's Gate. He has been hired by Rieltar Anchev, the regional manager of the Iron Throne, to protect Davaeorn and thus guard the Cloakwood Mine against "anyone that is foolish enough to challenge [them]" - namely, Gorion's Ward. During Chapter 4, after the player hacks their way through the Cloakwood Forest, Drasus will hail you just inside the fortifications surrounding the Mine's entrance. After some brief dialogue, he will attack you, assisted by the rest of his band; Rezdan, Genthore, and Kysus. Defeating all four of them will net 5600 experience, along with obtaining some magical equipment, including the unique Boots of Speed (equipped by Drasus himself), Fallorain's Plate, and a scroll of Fireshield (Red)BG:EE. Furthermore, he carries a letter from Rieltar, sharing the concern that he is "expecting an incursion at our mine location in the Cloakwood." The letter further instructs Drasus to "accompany Davaeorn to the site and prevent entry or assault by anyone that is foolish enough to challenge you," while also mentioning that he will double Drasus' payroll with a promise of more work to come. This letter is significant as it's the first piece of evidence found in-game that Davaeorn is merely yet another underling, just as Tazok was before him, and the true architect of the troubles concerning the Sword Coast may very well be this 'Rieltar'.