The Outland Regions Security Force was a paramilitary force established by the planet Eriadu and the Greater Seswenna for the protection of the Seswenna sector. The organization was established as a response to the inaction of the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces in dealing with pirates and privateers in the sector. The Security Force was founded using off-world loans, and were armed with ships built on Eriadu and Sluis Van. The forces faced a pirate alliance known as Q'anah's Marauders, but were eventually able to defeat the pirates in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo using their anti-pirate taskforce.
Attributes | Values |
| - Outland Regions Security Force
| - The Outland Regions Security Force was a paramilitary force established by the planet Eriadu and the Greater Seswenna for the protection of the Seswenna sector. The organization was established as a response to the inaction of the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces in dealing with pirates and privateers in the sector. The Security Force was founded using off-world loans, and were armed with ships built on Eriadu and Sluis Van. The forces faced a pirate alliance known as Q'anah's Marauders, but were eventually able to defeat the pirates in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo using their anti-pirate taskforce.
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| - Outland Regions Security Force
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| - *Outland's anti-pirate taskforce
*Ranulph Tarkin
*Wilhuff Tarkin
| - Силы безопасности Отдалённых регионов
| - Force de Sécurité des Régions Extérieures
| - Fuerzas de Seguridad de las Regiones Exteriores
| - The Outland Regions Security Force was a paramilitary force established by the planet Eriadu and the Greater Seswenna for the protection of the Seswenna sector. The organization was established as a response to the inaction of the Galactic Republic's Judicial Forces in dealing with pirates and privateers in the sector. The Security Force was founded using off-world loans, and were armed with ships built on Eriadu and Sluis Van. The forces faced a pirate alliance known as Q'anah's Marauders, but were eventually able to defeat the pirates in the years prior to the Battle of Naboo using their anti-pirate taskforce.