| - Scavenger is a confident and capable survivor, able to find and dig up resources almost anywhere he goes. He's constantly excavating something of surprising worth to the Decepticons, who appreciate his efforts and he knows it. With his shovel's unique ability to detect needed materials, Megatron recognizes his importance and use to the Decepticons, but Scavenger isn't above reminding them if he thinks they forgot. In vehicular mode Scavenger's power shovel is equipped with a variety of magnetic, ionic, electrical and gas sensors that allow him to detect the presence of a variety of materials within a 500-yard radius. He can also emit sonic charges into the ground. By analyzing the echoes that come back to him and using his other sensors he can determine with 80% accuracy the composition of the ground underneath him to a depth of 1.2 miles. His power shovel and detection powers combine to give Scavenger the ability to locate and uncover any number of materials, from trace metals to fuel sources, that might be useful to the Decepticon cause. He carries a missile launcher in vehicular mode and a laser pistol in robot mode. Scavenger combines with his fellow Constructicons to form Devastator, where he serves as the powerful right arm. Scavenger's abilities are enhanced by his adaptability and cleverness, which allow him to make careful use of his fuel supply and find new uses for seemingly worthless scrap. He takes good care of his power shovel, performing regular maintenance to prevent metal fatigue. If Scavenger has a weakness, it's his own self-assurance. He sometimes goes off alone when he should wait for the rest of his teammates, and occasionally his sense of self-importance grates on the other Constructicons' nerves (although compared to Scrapper, Scavenger is the model of modesty).