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| - Amarie
- Amarie
- Amarie
- Amarie
| - Amarie était une musicienne au 24ème siècle.
- Amarie is a guildmaster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. She can be found at the Adept Guild of the Self in Silver Cove. She teaches basic mind, body, and spirit magic for 1250 gold each, though the price can be reduced with the merchant skill. She also sells the first eight spells of each school. She will have twelve spellbooks for sale. They are selected at random, so some of them will likely be duplicates. To use her services, the party must first purchase membership to the guild from Violet Dawson or Isaac Streetman.
- Amarie was a female musician in the 24th century. She was a native of the planet Talemstra, with four arms common to her species. She performed at a bar on Qualor II in 2368, where she met members of the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG episode & novelization: Unification, Part II) By late 2372, she had come to run the "Ten-Forward" lounge (later renamed the Happy Bottom Riding Club) on the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: That Sleep of Death)
- thumb|Amarie (2368) Amarie ist eine Musikerin in einem Salon auf dem Planeten Qualor II. Sie ist die Exfrau eines Waffenschmugglers, dessen Schiff durch die USS Enterprise 2368 zerstört wird, als dieses im Schiffsdepot Z15 das Feuer eröffnet. Anhand ihrer Speziesmerkmale ist sie für ihren Beruf als Keyboarderin prädestiniert, da sie vier Arme hat. (TNG: ) Amarie wurde von Harriet Leider dargestellt. Im Original lieh Judi M. Durand ihr ihre Stimme. In der deutschsprachigen Fassung wurde sie von Andrea Brix synchronisiert.
- Amarie was a female musician in the 24th century who played in a bar on Qualor II. She was from an unknown race of aliens, and she appeared to be ideally suited to playing the piano: she had two pairs of hands. She enjoyed suck salt, though she considered it a nasty habit. She was married for a time to an arms smuggler.
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- Amarie enjoying her suck salt
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| - Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
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| - Suck salt.jpg
- Suck salt.jpg
| - Part of The Scatterbrained Sorcerer Quest.
- She is a shy book worm.
- She is a shy book worm.
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| - Ab'dendriel library
- Ab'dendriel, first floor above ground at the library in Treetop
| - Amarie was a female musician in the 24th century who played in a bar on Qualor II. She was from an unknown race of aliens, and she appeared to be ideally suited to playing the piano: she had two pairs of hands. She enjoyed suck salt, though she considered it a nasty habit. She was married for a time to an arms smuggler. In 2368, the USS Enterprise-D encountered and killed Amarie's ex-husband in his warship when it did not respond and attacked it. To gain more information about him, the ship visited Qualor II in order to talk to Amarie. She offered to play Andorian blues for Commander William T. Riker. Instead of paying her money for information, Riker taught her some jazz routines on the piano. She also played a selection from the Klingon opera Aktuh and Maylota for Worf. Riker asked her about the ex-husband and she directed him to Omag, a Ferengi arms trader, who she said always wanted to hear the same song, "Melor Famagal". (TNG: "Unification II" ) Amarie was played by actress Harriet Leider. Cindy White worked as photo double for her during the close ups of her hands and pianist Jerry Zimmer performed the piano music and the second pair of hands seen in the episode. The producers were not pleased with Leider's voice and voice actress Judi M. Durand re-recorded her dialogue during post production. (citation needed • [ edit]) Her species may be the same race as the unseen Terellians, who were also known to have four arms. In Jeri Taylor's novelization of "Unification," she gives the name of Amarie's homeworld as "Talemstra".
- Amarie était une musicienne au 24ème siècle.
- Amarie is a guildmaster in Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven. She can be found at the Adept Guild of the Self in Silver Cove. She teaches basic mind, body, and spirit magic for 1250 gold each, though the price can be reduced with the merchant skill. She also sells the first eight spells of each school. She will have twelve spellbooks for sale. They are selected at random, so some of them will likely be duplicates. To use her services, the party must first purchase membership to the guild from Violet Dawson or Isaac Streetman.
- Amarie was a female musician in the 24th century. She was a native of the planet Talemstra, with four arms common to her species. She performed at a bar on Qualor II in 2368, where she met members of the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG episode & novelization: Unification, Part II) By late 2372, she had come to run the "Ten-Forward" lounge (later renamed the Happy Bottom Riding Club) on the USS Enterprise-E. (TNG - Slings and Arrows eBook: That Sleep of Death)
- thumb|Amarie (2368) Amarie ist eine Musikerin in einem Salon auf dem Planeten Qualor II. Sie ist die Exfrau eines Waffenschmugglers, dessen Schiff durch die USS Enterprise 2368 zerstört wird, als dieses im Schiffsdepot Z15 das Feuer eröffnet. Anhand ihrer Speziesmerkmale ist sie für ihren Beruf als Keyboarderin prädestiniert, da sie vier Arme hat. (TNG: ) Amarie wurde von Harriet Leider dargestellt. Im Original lieh Judi M. Durand ihr ihre Stimme. In der deutschsprachigen Fassung wurde sie von Andrea Brix synchronisiert.