| - The Second era is knowed as the Dark Ages or the Period of Migrations, when numerous foreign tribes invaded the rothoi peninsula and the Korimis, and Sarbians captured almost every Selloi city-state, founding principates and merged with the Selloi society. during the Migration ages two great kingdos was formed: Kormenia and Slavinia when competed each other for the dominance of the peninsula. in this period a strong sense of spirituality and protection of values Hellenic customs, thanks to Korimi traditions and the church, the Orthodox Church grew and spread throughout the region, unifying all other tribes under one flag and one religion, the dominance ended with the Pacta Conventa between Phillipos of Kormenia and the Slavian nobility.
| - The Second era is knowed as the Dark Ages or the Period of Migrations, when numerous foreign tribes invaded the rothoi peninsula and the Korimis, and Sarbians captured almost every Selloi city-state, founding principates and merged with the Selloi society. during the Migration ages two great kingdos was formed: Kormenia and Slavinia when competed each other for the dominance of the peninsula. in this period a strong sense of spirituality and protection of values Hellenic customs, thanks to Korimi traditions and the church, the Orthodox Church grew and spread throughout the region, unifying all other tribes under one flag and one religion, the dominance ended with the Pacta Conventa between Phillipos of Kormenia and the Slavian nobility. The reign of Kormenia installed and establishes local customs, art, religion and Selloi trade between the Korimi people achieving a peaceful merger between the two peoples,Mauryans established their own principality recognized after 600 years, known as Arcadiaand Sarbs settled merging its people and its culture with that of the Korimis in Kormenia. After almost a millenium the Orthodox Church grew and spread throughout the region, unifying all other tribes under one flag and one religion, the kingdom of Kormenia for a millennium gave both Selloi and Slavians one Kingdom and one religion where art, culture and tradition of both were united as one people and one idea created by the ecclesiastical protection of self and pride in your ancestry, Kormenia established later as a Empire in 1902 after a succession crisis between the Kormenian nobility, be the dominant empire of the Selloi for 500 years. The late Kormenian period ended after a long Civil war between the Kormenian nobles and, a long period of misrule, decadence and a debilitating war against the Parsian invaders brought down the Kormenian Empire in 2588 after the fall of its capital enslaving the selloi and all the kormenian citizens, after the fall of Beretea, the Parsians founded the Parsian Empire as the succesor of Kormenia, beginning the Age of Enslavement or the Parsian Period. The Age of Enslavement lasts almost 700 years, until the interregnum, when the Parsian sovereignty weakens and agrees to use the Selloi out of trouble, the Parsian weakness comes with the strength of the Selloi that slowly recover lost liberties and customs, awakening in them the spirit of liberation and unification of a flag in front their oppressors, customs and the memory of his heritage, born of a revolutionary movement called the church and for many riots release Selloi town called "Enosis" brand the great war of the Ruthene Revolution, which lasted almost 30 years and ends with the Battle of Ostambal, where the Parsian Empire is abolished and the new Selloi state is created from the ashes, based on the customs and your pride as selloi and the memory of St. Hellena, creating the Ruthenian Empire, being Ruthene, the imperial and ancestral unification of all those peoples united under one god, one empire, one emperor, the Basileus chosen for the church.