| - There's someone you know at work. They're professional and polite, always making a good first impression. They're very good at what they do, but take everything way too seriously. They're quick to introduce themselves to everyone in the workplace, but don't bother to find out any more than their co-workers' names and strengths within the workplace. It's not uncommon for people to start wondering if they are a robot due to their lack of extreme emotion and aloofness. If a situation arises, they will usually help out the one in trouble, then later brush it off saying Think Nothing of It. One day, you happen to run into them outside of working hours. Not only do they greet you with a large smile on their face, but they are actually quite lighthearted and talkative. Turns out, they are rather social, but not at work. They might even be wild, flirty and hate the persona that they're forced to show at work, especially if they're a Stern Teacher or Drill Sergeant Nasty. However, once they return to the workplace, they've returned to being as social and friendly as a rock. Truth in Television, being too emotional in certain jobs may prove dangerous or at least detrimental to how well you do the job. Compare Sugar and Ice Personality, which occurs when a character is cold to the world at large and only exhibits their softer side to certain other characters. A sub-trope of Work Hard, Play Hard, where a character is a hard worker and a huge party goer, but doesn't always draw a strict line in between. The Consummate Professional is very much likely to subscribe to this trope. Compare Hates Small Talk. Examples of Being Personal Isn't Professional include: