| - Freeman (フリーマン) is a character from the Fatal Fury series of fighting games. He made his debut in Garou: Mark of the Wolves. He is voiced by Eiji Yano. __TOC__
- thumb|Lieutenant Freeman (2268) Lieutenant Freeman ist Crewmitglied an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain James T. Kirk.
- Freeman was an officer with the Los Angeles Police Department's Raynard Waits Task Force in September of 2006.
- Private Freeman was an American soldier who fought in World War II, as portrayed in Call of Duty: United Offensive. In-game, Freeman worked together with Pvt. Gordon as the only named allied soldiers that can die in an attack on a farm. He was a part of Cpl. Riley's squad at the time.
- He and the rest of the men were due to be executed by Jackson in a show of allegiance to Ra, but at the last second it was learned that the Abydonians were armed and Jackson instead fired on Ra, allowing Freeman and the rest to escape. During the Abydonian rebellion, Freeman was carrying Ferretti, who was injured, to safety. During this, he was shot in the back of the head, making him the final casualty of the expedition. (Stargate)
- Az első Abydos Expedíció tagja. A csapat kommunikációs tisztje.
- Freeman is a character and minor villain from Garou: Mark of the Wolves. The man known only as "Freeman" is a well known serial killer from Great Britain. Not only does he takes sadistic pleasure from killing his victims, he also loves to withstand pain himself. Absolutely nothing is known about his past or his identity. Freeman travels to Second Southtown upon hearing about the King of Fighters Maximum Mayhem tournament, hoping to find strong opponents to kill.
- Dans les années 2260, le Lieutenant Freeman servait en qualité d'officier de sécurité à bord de l'USS Enterprise, sous le commandement du Capitaine James T. Kirk. En 2268, lorsque Freeman, Montgomery Scott et Pavel Chekov entrèrent dans le bar sur Deep Space K-7, Miles O'Brien pensait que Freeman était le Capitaine Kirk, mais Julian Bashir nota qu'il portait les insignes de lieutenant. (DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations") Plusieurs minutes après, une bagarre éclata entre les officiers de Starfleet et des Klingons de l'IKS Gr'oth, auquel Freeman participa. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles")
- Jerry Paul Freeman was a Federation Starfleet officer on active duty in the 23rd century. Freeman had no canon given names. He was originally scripted as a role for David Gerrold -- whose real name was Jerrold Friedman -- to play in TOS: "The Trouble With Tribbles". Paul is from Orion Press continuity (apparently after Paul Baxley), while Jerry is from the TOS novel: My Enemy, My Ally, written by Diane Duane, who was a writing student of Gerrold's.
- Freeman var en manlig Tau'ri och han var en av de soldater som reste genom Stargate till Abydos när det öppnades i 1995. Han var gruppens kommunikatör. När Doktor Daniel Jackson släpades bort av en Mastadge, var han bland de soldater som bott på baslägret. Han tillfångatogs av Ra och hans Horus Vakter. Han och resten av de män berodde på att utföras av Daniel Jackson i en show av trohet till Ra, men i sista sekund att det var lärt sig att Abydonianerna var beväpnade och Daniel sköt istället på Ra, vilket Freeman och resten för att fly. Under Abydonianer upproret, var Freeman bär Louis Ferretti, som skadades, till säkerhet. Under detta, blev han skjuten i bakhuvudet, vilket gör honom till den slutliga olyckan av expeditionen. (Stargate) kategori:Amerikaner kategori:Löjtnanter kategori:Origi