| - Willow and Anya are fighting over Xander's affection. They accidentally summon a troll.
* All Trolls Are Different
* Ask a Stupid Question: Buffy is sitting on her bed, reading a magazine.
* Baddie Flattery: Olaf to Xander
* Battle Discretion Shot: We never see how Buffy beats Olaf.
* Berserk Button: Also a Buffy Burst Into Tears Button -- any suggestion that Xander and Anya might break up like Buffy and Riley did.
* Black Comedy Rape: Olaf promises to make merry with the local virgins.
* Boisterous Bruiser: Olaf the Troll
* Brick Joke: Willow's spell that makes the cash register disappear.
* Chekhov's Gun: Olaf's Hammer is used in the season finale.
* Comically Missing the Point: Spike assumes Buffy is angry over his part in the Buffy/Riley breakup, when Buffy is so miserable Spike isn't even on her radar screen.
* Covert Pervert: Buffy falls on Spike during the Bronze fight. Spike doesn't miss his chance to get in some groping while "helping" Buffy to her feet.
* Drives Like Crazy: Anya is driving Giles' BMW without having learnt to drive.
* Eats Babies: Olaf, apparently.
* Exact Eavesdropping: Dawn overhears Giles, Buffy and Joyce talking about the Key, and that it has something to do with her.
* Get Thee to a Nunnery: For a moment it appears Buffy is coping with her man problems this way, then she appears and stakes a vampire who's about to eat the young blonde-haired nun. After staking the vampire...
* Friend Versus Lover
* Geographic Flexibility: There's a convent out there somewhere.
* Girlish Pigtails: Buffy
* The Hedonist
* Insane Troll Logic: Xander becomes the Trope Namer.
* I Resemble That Remark
* Willow is using the Magic Shop supplies to do a spell, so Anya accuses her of stealing
* Moral Dissonance: Olaf demands babies to eat. Spike turns to Xander and asks, "What do you think, the hospital?"
* Nerdgasm: Giles is going on about the Watcher's Council library.
* No Bisexuals: Anya thinks Willow might put the moves on Xander like she did when he was seeing Cordelia.
* Noodle Incident: Whatever fishbowl balancing act Willow did that got her banned from owning fish for five years.
* Now You Tell Me: Anya tells Buffy that Olaf's power is in his hammer -- after Olaf loses it, Buffy rushes in to finish him off only to get Punched Across the Room.
* Pet the Dog: Hoping to impress Buffy, Spike gives first aid to injured people at the Bronze without feeding from them. Buffy is incredulous that he "wants credit for not feeding on disaster victims" and storms off, causing Spike to exclaim, "What does it take?"
* Power Floats: Willow doing a spell.
* Punctuated Pounding
* Retroactive Wish: A Call Back to "Something Blue" when everything Willow said came true.
* Running Gag: The Alternate Universe without shrimp is mentioned again.
* Sadistic Choice: Olaf demands Xander choose which woman to spare -- his girlfriend or best friend. Xander refuses on the grounds that it's Insane Troll Logic.
* Security Cling: Anya and Willow facing Olaf.
* Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Xander and Tara beat a retreat rather than get caught up in Willow and Anya's squabbling.
* Stealth Insult: Willow tells Anya to annoy Olaf to distract him from Buffy.
* Shaped Like Itself
* Trash the Set: The Bronze and the Magic Shop.
* Trick Dialogue: Spike (holding a gift-wrapped box of chocolates) appears to be apologizing to Buffy for his part in the Riley affair. It turns out he's rehearsing his lines with the shop dummy he'd dressed up as Buffy. Eventually Spike loses his temper over Buffy's imaginary rejection and hits the dummy over the head with the box, only to calmly put things back in order and start again.
* We Need a Distraction: Anya being irritating.
* Wire Dilemma / Incredibly Obvious Bomb: Used as a metaphor by Anya.
* Woman Scorned: Olaf turns out to be Anya's ex, whom she turned into a troll after he cheated on her, thereby getting her job as a vengeance demon. The full story is shown in Season 7's "Selfless".