| - The enormous government prioritizes Welfare, with Public Transport, Education, and Healthcare also on the agenda, while Spirituality and International Aid aren't funded at all. The average income tax rate is 48.4%, but much higher for the wealthy. Orycteropius is ranked 1st in Memeton and 11,748th in the world for Happiest Citizens, scoring 11 on the Relative Cheerfulness Rating.
| - The enormous government prioritizes Welfare, with Public Transport, Education, and Healthcare also on the agenda, while Spirituality and International Aid aren't funded at all. The average income tax rate is 48.4%, but much higher for the wealthy. The Orycteropiusian economy, worth 723 billion Tubules a year, is quite specialized and led by the Information Technology industry, with significant contributions from Furniture Restoration, Book Publishing, and Beef-Based Agriculture. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 24,944 Tubules, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens. Most academic research has ground to a halt, the government has cut its subsidies for all special interest groups, political scientists despair as the national mascot election eclipses all others in voter enthusiasm, and eminent domain has been abolished. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown. Orycteropius's national animal is the Aardvark, which is also the nation's favorite main course. Orycteropius is ranked 1st in Memeton and 11,748th in the world for Happiest Citizens, scoring 11 on the Relative Cheerfulness Rating.