| - Nilaa Mizrani continues to maintain her innocence to John Donovan, who demands an explanation. He asks for her cooperation, but she interrupts and demands to be left alone. Donovan refuses and demands the truth. As they continue to argue, Rebecca Ingram gets a call from Keith Mullins, who tells her that the list was taken by the terrorists and they're not optimistic about catching him. Carter's all right but identified one of the terrorists as Jadalla Bin-Khalid. Mullins then asks about Nilaa. Rebecca claims no progress so far, and Mullins stresses that she's the best hope they have of stopping Jadalla's people and orders her to take Nilaa to CTU. She hangs up and proceeds to carry out her orders, pausing first to threaten Nilaa with the death penalty if she can't help them. As CTU leaves with her, Rebecca and John stay behind, and John defends the possibility that Nilaa's being set up. Rebecca claims he's only trying to see the good in people, and he nods submissively. She heads out to CTU. Donovan talks to his father, Henry Donovan, about Nilaa. Henry doesn't act surprised at this, even as John defends her, and he tells his son to accept the truth about Nilaa and move on. All this gets John suspicious and Henry defends himself by saying everyone lives two lives. He offers a list of names to replace Nilaa and John gives in. As Grimes is lifted into the ambulance, Eric Carter asks Mullins, who says they've got no leads. Carter suddenly gets angry at Grimes for losing the list and for the Rangers' deaths; Grimes gets scared and defends himself saying that he just wanted the money. Eric only gets angrier but Grimes says he can fix things, and continues to say it as he gets loaded into the ambulance for treatment.