| - Corythosaurus is a species of hadrosaur
- Height: N/A Weight: N/A Origin: Prehistoric Earth
- The Corythosaurus is an upcoming lambeosaurine.
- Corythosaurus, (Corinthian lizard due to the shape of its head crest), was a lambeosaurine hadrosaur from North America. It was more closely related to Parasaurolophus than to Anatotitan or Saurolophus.
- thumb|400px Significa reptil con casco. Se caracterizaba por su gran cresta en forma de semicírculo que tenía en el cráneo y que servía para emitir sonidos.
- The Corythosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur that roams the jungles of the Lost Valley in herds.
- Real Corythosaurus were large (about 10 metres long) Cretaceous North American hadrosaurs with large crests, which they may have used to make sounds to alert fellow herd members of danger. Like all hadrosaurs, they had thousands of teeth in the back of their mouths and could chew their food. Despite their comparison to ducks, hadrosaurs like Corythosaurus only lived on land and were poor swimmers. Unlike Gipsy, who stands on two legs, they could stand on both two legs and four. Because their crests resemble a soldier's helmet, the name Corythosaurus means "helmet lizard". The first Corythosaurus skeleton, partially mummified, was discovered by the American palentologist Barnum Brown. It was so well preserved that the skin imprints could be seen on the fossil!
- Corythosaurus was a duck-billed hadrosaurid dinosaur, with a semi-circular crest shaped like a corinthian helmet, from the Cretaceous period.
- The Corythosaurus is an animal available on FarmVille. It was released with Dino Lab and can be created in pen part of Dino Lab with 7 Red DNA bushels, 6 Green DNA bushels, 2 Blue DNA bushel and 2 Yellow DNA bushel. It can be also be bought from Market for cash and then you will get File:XP-icon.png experience.
- It was about 30–33 feet long from nose to tail, weighed in at 4 tonnes, and had a circular crest on its head formed from long nasal passages, in the shape of a helmet flattened on the sides (Corythosaurus means "helmet lizard"). Males had larger crests than females and juveniles. Like all hadrosaurs it could switch between two legs and four. The beak of Corythosaurus had no teeth, but the back of the jaws had hundreds. These were used to crush and grind plants and when teeth were lost, it grew new ones.
- It is known from many complete specimens, including a nearly complete holotype found by Brown in 1912. The holotype skeleton is only missing the last section of the tail, and part of the forelimbs, but was preserved with impressions of polygonal scales. The specimen was found among marine sediments, and around it were preserved elements of the bivalve Unio, and an indeterminate turtle. The preserved sections of the forelimbs include the scapulae, coracoids, humeri, ulnae, radii, and phalanges.