Transformers: Movie Prequel, called Transformers: Official Movie Prequel on the covers and Prime Directive in solicitations, is IDW Publishing's four-issue comic series which serves as a foundation and backstory for the 2007 Transformers live-action movie. Two special one-shot issues, distributed for free in association with Target, were also published under the exact same name, at the same time, by the same company, with the same creative team; they are listed here as well. __TOC__
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| - Transformers: Movie Prequel, called Transformers: Official Movie Prequel on the covers and Prime Directive in solicitations, is IDW Publishing's four-issue comic series which serves as a foundation and backstory for the 2007 Transformers live-action movie. Two special one-shot issues, distributed for free in association with Target, were also published under the exact same name, at the same time, by the same company, with the same creative team; they are listed here as well. __TOC__
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| - Transformers: Movie Prequel, called Transformers: Official Movie Prequel on the covers and Prime Directive in solicitations, is IDW Publishing's four-issue comic series which serves as a foundation and backstory for the 2007 Transformers live-action movie. Two special one-shot issues, distributed for free in association with Target, were also published under the exact same name, at the same time, by the same company, with the same creative team; they are listed here as well. __TOC__