To celebrate our continued success in the war against bots, we’re running a surprise members’ bonus weekend, with double loot in many surface-world dungeons as well as with double Dungeoneering XP and tokens. The event will run from Saturday 12th November 00:00 GMT to Monday 14th November 23:59 GMT, during which time all you spelunker-savants and Dungeoneering dervishes will enjoy the following benefits: Both of these benefits apply to RuneScape members only.
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| - Update:More Loot = More W00t!
| - To celebrate our continued success in the war against bots, we’re running a surprise members’ bonus weekend, with double loot in many surface-world dungeons as well as with double Dungeoneering XP and tokens. The event will run from Saturday 12th November 00:00 GMT to Monday 14th November 23:59 GMT, during which time all you spelunker-savants and Dungeoneering dervishes will enjoy the following benefits: Both of these benefits apply to RuneScape members only.
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| - To celebrate our continued success in the war against bots, we’re running a surprise members’ bonus weekend, with double loot in many surface-world dungeons as well as with double Dungeoneering XP and tokens. The event will run from Saturday 12th November 00:00 GMT to Monday 14th November 23:59 GMT, during which time all you spelunker-savants and Dungeoneering dervishes will enjoy the following benefits:
* Double loot in the following dungeons:
* God Wars Dungeon (including Nex)
* Barrows
* Chaos Tunnels
* Stronghold of Security
* Forinthry Dungeon
* Double XP in Dungeoneering and double token rewards for dungeon completion. Both of these benefits apply to RuneScape members only. These events are the sort of events that we’ve been hoping to run for some time, but they wouldn’t have been feasible prior to the recent bot-busting initiatives that have taken place. We’d love to run more events like this in the future, but we need you to remain vigilant: keep an eye out, use the reporting functions to let us know if you encounter any remaining botting activity, and enjoy the game as it was meant to be played – bot free! Enjoy an amazing weekend of dungeon delving and boss bashing. Best of luck, and we hope that when you step blinking into the sunlight once more you’re saddled with swathes of cool swag!