| - For eons among eons, as long as space navigators, astronauts, and Fleets have sailed the stars, they have told stories of different light dimensional species, floating space monsters throughout the universe, or ghostly phantom ships travelling through universes. Perhaps the tales are yarns spun to pass the long hours aboard ship. Maybe they are the result of a runaway imagination brought on by the space's hypnotic rhythms. Or they might be superstitions that have been passed from one generation of space explorers to another until they seem true.
Sometimes, though, things happen in deep space that cannot be explained, and there are places in the void where mysterious paranormal behavior seem to take over, claiming explorer after expolorer as their victims. The Outer Rim near edge and the galaxy's outer Voids are such areas, especially Wild Space. The space around the outer area and Wild space stars are said to be more haunted than any others, in the galaxy. Many of these hauntings involve a ghostly ship believed the the legendary Prosecutor, a Republic Destroyer who's crew was massacred, and corpses were never rescued, or found. The ship later was taken as a space tourist attraction during the New Republic, but, mysterious paranormal energies took the lives of many tourists, and sucked many explorer ships in without gravitational pull. One fleet patrol went to discover the menace of the ship, but later were infected by the dark terror of the ship, which the fleet patrollers went crazy, as the Captain killed every employee and janitor, on the ship, believing it was cursed. Many, many years of battles in the galaxy's eons made the ship isolated, floating throughout cold space. Whenever the ship appeared, it brought terror along with them.
The story which follows, eons later, is a group of engineer chemical speculators, a GPDS Lieutinant, and a GPDS Pantoran Corporal, who all would come face to face, and enter the kingdom of the Prosecutor.