| - There's oodles of different kinds of powers, some lethal and some harmless. Having obviously lethal powers has remarkably many downsides. Bad Powers, Bad People means the owners can't use them at all for fear of becoming killers, they tend to miss a lot when aimed at heroes, and they tend to corrupt or slowly kill them anyway. This can make the "wimps" with the power of Heart become surprisingly useful by using their "harmless" powers in surprisingly creative ways. One of which is using said harmless power in a horrifyingly lethal way. Turns out the kid with a Green Thumb can make the local flora emit toxic pollen, the Barrier Warrior just needs to tilt her barrier to use it as a knife, or the White Mage with Healing Hands can reverse her ability to rapidly drain Life Energy, or worse, heal too much and give the victim horrible cancer. Other times, the power itself always had the lethal applications, such as Psychic Surgery being used not to take bullets out of a person, but to put them in... by hand. However, the character had a self imposed Drama-Preserving Handicap in the form of Mind Over Manners or Non-Lethal Warfare to avoid becoming a villain. But eventually, these heroes will face a situation that crosses the Godzilla Threshold. Maybe their life or the life of a loved one is at stake, or a villain just pushed their buttons in the worst possible way and forces them to use lethal force. And then the gloves come off. It goes without saying that this is Darker and Edgier stuff, and in generally light series a hero forced to use the lethal applications of their abilities will probably enter a Heroic BSOD even if they don't kill an enemy. Some heroes who do a lot of thinking on their powers will usually realize they can do this and get very, very scared of the potential horror should the Instant Allegiance Artifact, Mirror Morality Machine, (or plain old life) make them do a Face Heel Turn. This doesn't mean they won't ever use this potential application; they can use it to threaten enemies as the above quote shows. This causes a related phenomena -- villains very rarely get the powers that can be abused in this way -- specifically for this reason. When they do, they become Good Powers, Bad People. Compare Dangerous Forbidden Technique and Required Secondary Powers. May cause viewers to decide that Heart Is an Awesome Power. Contrast the Inverse Law of Complexity to Power. Examples of Lethal Harmless Powers include: