| - In general, he seems to be rivals with Wizard Grayzag, who is across the hall. A keeper of magical trinkets, he is often bullied by Wizard Grayzag, a devotee of slightly 'grander' and more destructive magics. Trying to keep to himself won't work as across the hall, Grayzag is always plotting another nefarious scheme against him. When asked whether he could teach the player "any interesting spells", a surprised Mizgog will reply that he does not think so, as he says, "The type of magic I study requires years of meditation and research."
- Wizard Mizgog is a resident of the Wizard's Tower and can be found on the second floor. Talk to him to begin the Imp Catcher quest. You will then have to kill imps which will randomly drop each of the four beads. During the quest you then return these beads to Mizgog, and then he will reward the player with an Amulet of Accuracy after completing the quest.
- Hij is een rivaal van Wizard Grayzag, die aan de overkant van de gang verblijft. Hij bewaart magische sieraden en wordt daarom vaak gepest door Wizard Grayzag, die zelf 'grootsere' en meer vernietigende magie toepast. Zich enkel met zijn eigen zaken bezighouden helpt niet om de pesterijen van Grayzag te ontlopen, aangezien die altijd bezig is met het smeden van gemene plannetjes tegen zijn rivaal. Wanneer de speler hem vraagt of hij hem "een paar interessante spreuken" kan leren, zal Mizgog verrast antwoorden dat hij dat niet kan en hij zal je het volgende zeggen: "De vorm van magie die ik bestudeer, vereist vele jaren van meditatie en onderzoek."
- Wizard Mizgog is a stuttering and clumsy wizard found on the floor[UK] of the Wizard's Tower and the start point of the quest Imp Catcher. In general, he seems to be rivals with Wizard Grayzag, who is across the hall. A keeper of magical trinkets, he is often bullied by Wizard Grayzag, a devotee of slightly 'grander' and more destructive magics. Trying to keep to himself won't work as across the hall, Grayzag is always plotting another nefarious scheme against him. When asked whether he could teach the player "any interesting spells", a surprised Mizgog will reply that he does not think so, as he says, "The type of magic I study requires years of meditation and research."