| - Superboy has a nightmare in which grown up versions of Impulse, Supergirl, Robin, and others round up all his enemies. All of them tell Superboy to grow up.
Superboy wakes up while still on the airplane, landing back in Hawaii from Metropolis. Makoa meets them at the airport with news of a serial killer likened to a Hawaiian myth of Mo-o, a dragon like creature. He's just finished telling them the tale about it when someone cries out murder. The one responsible is a vampire like woman who drains the life out of her victims, leaving smoking husks behind. Mo-o attempts to flee, herself in constant pain, and her flight endangers a landing aircraft. The Kid has to divert his attention for a moment as he manages to stop the plane without damage.
Mo-o runs into a little kid, but lets him go without harm. Superboy grabs her and begins to fly away from the airport. Along the way, Mo-o tells her life story: long ago she was a slave bought by Victor Volcanum, but she rebelled and thanks to his patented lava shakes she became as she is now. Unless she absorbs the life of victims, she is caused great pain. The whole reason she came to Hawaii was to find Victor Volcanum, but SB tells her that he's dead. The Kid feels bad, seeing the two of them as kind of kindred spirits. Mo-o goes nuts, however, from the pain, but can't absorb Superboy. He begs her to let him help her, but she simply renews her attack, having lost all hope, and disintegrates, leaving the Kid alone and feeling terrible.