| - Squidbillies is an animated television series created by Jim Fortier and Dave Willis, about a family of hillbilly squids, Early Cuyler and his son Rusty Cuyler, and their adventures. The show is written by Dave Willis, of Aqua Teen Hunger Force fame, and Jim Fortier, previously of The Brak Show, both of whom worked on the Adult Swim series Space Ghost Coast to Coast. The unofficial pilot first aired November 7, 2004 but the series premiered October 16, 2005 on Adult Swim. There's not much known about season 10 airing 2015 but so far there has been season 1-9.
- The Squidbillies is an animated series loosely based on the failed dramatic series "The Squablies" which aired on Fox Network in the late 90's. The Squablies was projected to be the greatest prime time series since Highway to Heaven. The show was canceled after only one season sighting contract disputes with its star studded cast as the primary reason.
- Squidbillies is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim. An unofficial pilot for the series aired on April 1, 2005; the series later made its official debut on October 16, 2005. The series is about the Cuyler family, an impoverished family of anthropomorphic hillbilly mud squids living in the Georgia region of the Appalachian Mountains. The series revolves around the exploits of an alcoholic father (Early), who is often abusive in a comedic way towards his family. His teenage son, Rusty, is desperate for his approval; his mother, known in the show as Granny, is often the center of his aggression; and Lil, his sister, is mostly unconscious in a pool of her own vomit.
- The history of the series is rocky at best. Originally, the pilot was to air on November 7, 2004 with the full series coming out several months later. However, after several weeks of promoting and advertising Squidbillies, Adult Swim aired a pilot episode of Perfect Hair Forever, an anime parody also in development, followed by an unusual talk show about Perfect Hair Forever featuring Meatwad, Sharko and Early Cuyler with Space Ghost moderating.