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- The Excavators are enormous industrial machines and Stationary vehicles in Just Cause 3, which also count as sabotage objects.
- (This Article is from Wikipedia, as the basis for section. Additional history and UK Machine info required, as well as reformatting of section)
- The Excavator is one of the fourteen Pod Vehicles used by International Rescue while out on rescues.
- The Excavator class is a general job class available to the player after Act 1-8. Excavators can locate items hidden through-out the battlefield and also get more items and gella from defeating enemies. They are long distance fighters. Excavators equip slingshots as weapons and boots for armor.
- Classification- Rogue Criminal Birthdate- June 3 Age- 31 (deceased) Gender- Male Affiliation- The Unknown Organization Previous affiliation(s)- Working for AcidJaw
- An excavator was land based vehicle that burrowed into the soil using a pulsed fusion beam projector. This technique involved superheating the soil into a liquid state, forcing it aside, then cooling it. The result was a smooth, glassy tunnel.
- The Excavator is a rock and debris clearance vehicle adapted from a Scarab Armadillo utility tractor. It utilizes adjustable rotational cutters to create a path through collapsed rock and other rubble. Powdered residue is discarded by extractors situated on the rear of the Excavator. A centrally-mounted drill unit is used to produce bore holes in tough rock and metals, the drill of which is made from Formula C30/1 Cahelium alloy. This vehicle proves useful in landslide-affected areas and is occasionally used in conjunction with the Mole or the Demolition and Object Moving Operator
- The Excavator has come out in the following 1/64 scale versions:
- The Excavator has a unique and powerful overdrive: KAMIKAZE. This significantly increases its damage while it is in overdrive, but makes the Skell loses half of its health when overdrive ends. Like other crafted Skells, the Excavator has 10 units of Skell insurance instead of the 3 units found in store-bought and the story-received Skell. Although the Excavator is level 60, it comes with an initial level 50 armor but that armor is slightly better than the other level 50 initial Skell models.
- The Excavator unlocks after taking/crafting a Diamond Mining Cell for the first time. Different from the description the Excavator does not only remove a large cube of blocks (7x7x7) at once, it also saves half of them in loot-bags. Nodes with ore inside will not be touched but left intact. This basic Excavator can only remove surface blocks up to the hardness of Stone. If you use it on the Fossil layer, it will remove only the blocks of Stone and Fossils in it's 7x7x7-range, but will leave Bedrock, Limestone and Magnetite intact. To craft 4 (basic) Excavators, you'll need:
- Excavator specializes in using Dual Pistols. Along with unique weaponry (based into skills) such as poison bombs, mines, and dynamite. Excavator is classified as an AoE class, in that all of the main skills, effect a certain area causing either damage, or debuff.
- Built by: Owner: Capacity: Top speed: Height: Materials used: First appearance: Other appearances: The Excavator is a machine featured in "One of Those Eds," during which the Eds try every conceivable way to remove an intractable quarter from the ground. The excavator came about as part of Edd's extensive, documented proposal to remove the quarter. It took an entire evening in order to gather all of the supplies and build the monstrous contraption. This machine was not shown on-screen to be dismantled, nor its excavated ground refilled.
- Excavators are gigantic machines that are used to dig deep into the ground. In Moon, Excavators can dig into one of the three rooms: Tunnel 6, Tunnel 11, and the Biodome. If the player grabs a Hacker, and runs to the Excavator controls in the Receiving Area, he/she may hold the action button and the Excavator will not dig. But, if the Excavator is already digging at the time the Player hacks it, it will stop digging. When a Player hacks an Excavator, they will receive 1000 Points. These are the Excavators names that the player will hear before the Excavators begin digging. Pi: Tunnel 6