| - The Dark One is the evil enemy of the Creator, trapped in Shayol Ghul but seeking his freedom through the actions of the Forsaken, Dreadlords, and Darkfriends. Among his names are "Shepherd of The Night"(Two Rivers), "Soulsbane", "Heartfang", "Lord of the Grave", "Lord of the Twilight", or "Father of Lies". Naming the Dark One(as Shai'tan)is thought to bring bad luck.
- <default>Dark One</default> <default>Dark One</default> Gender Race Faction Health Level Status Location The Dark One is a mighty mage, who hides his identity under a dark hood, a character in SpellForce: The Order of Dawn. He is both influential and wealthy, managing to control the blades and the Black fist.
- Dark Ones are extremely powerful magic beings native to another dimension. They feed off of energy of any kind, and "sweat" dark magic. The Cult of the Dark One in Mordavia attempted to summon a Dark One named Avoozl. Interestingly Ad Avis is referred as the Dark One in QFG2.
- Dark Ones, being descended from humans, have a basic humanoid form, unlike most mutants in the series. they have long, thin arms and legs, large hands with long fingers. They possess no facial features besides a pair of eyes, relying instead on telepathy to communicate. Their skin is a dark ash-grey colour, much like other mutants in the series.
- Race: Ancient One
- Race: Ancient One Job: N/A
- Dark One wygląda jak Zigoton, jednak nie widać jego oka, ponieważ przysłania je maską. Maska, będąca mrocznym odpowiednikiem maski Herosa, ma czerwono- żółtą barwę, jest kolczasta i rozgałęziona. Ponadto ma wielkie, wystające czarne rogi, ozdobione fioletowymi wzorami. Dolna para rogów jest lekko rozgałęziona, kolczasta, szeroka i sterczy w dół, środkowa para jest gruba i sterczy w górę, lekko naginajac się w górę. Najwyższe rogi są długie, cienkie, oraz spiczaste i lekko powyginane. Nieco przypominają rogi z hełmu Gonga.[[Plik:Dark_One_Toripon.png|thumb|Mroczny jak Toriton (Zigotoński Toripon)]]
- Dark Ones are Stromlings that inhabit Portabello. The Dark Ones guard the passage up Mount Draak in the center of Portabello. They guard the Starfly Key, which Zaggle sends players to recover in order to free the Starflies at the mountain's summit. Dark Ones only have 2 Life and their melee spin attacks inflict only 1 damage to players, making Dark Ones easy to defeat.
- The Dark One is a minor character from the 1985 animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
- Dark One sind Shinigami, die wegen Verbrechen verbannt wurden. Sie tauchen nur im 1. Bleachfilm Memories of Nobody auf.
- The Dark One, , is the Wizard quest nemesis. He is widely considered to be one of the easiest nemeses to defeat.
- The dark ones were a race of humanoids dwelling in the Underdark. They were natural rogues with powers of stealth and shadow. They were divided into two subraces: the short, gnome-like dark creepers and the human-like dark stalkers. However, it was hard to say if they were actually the same race.
- His true name is Shai'tan, (pronounced: SHAY-ih-TAN), although many people believe that speaking that name will bring misfortune to the speaker, which is why he is referred to as the Dark One. However, there are many other alternative names for him, such as: In addition, with the exception of Moridin, his own followers consider it blasphemy to speak his true name, so they most commonly refer to him by more flattering titles, such as:
* Great Lord of the Dark (or simply 'the Great Lord')
* Lord of the Grave
* Lord of the Evening - a name used in the Prophecies of the Shadow
- The Dark One is said to be one of the ancient heroes of Aznala. He was on the same quest as the Ancestors and he was the most virtuous of them in those times. However, during the last part of their journey, when eternity's thread was made manifest in Aznala and split into fifteen pieces, with seven in the possession of Destiny's generals, he changed. Upon Algaisia's sacrifice,
- He was famous for uniting the Goblinoid races, and conducted a brilliant and savage campaign against the northern countries. Having them at his mercy, he goes to their leadership to talk, for all he wants is all races to be equal. In particular he seeks better living conditions for Goblinoids, who he describes as having always gotten the worst lands on the edges of the other races territories. At present the Dark One himself has not played a major role, presumably operating through his followers.