| - There is only one Isisaurus fossil in the DS Game. When the player meets a man on the South Euro Plain, he claims a thief stole a statue and broke it up into pieces all over the world. After the player finds the Giant Legs, the Giant Body and the Giant Head, the man realizes it is actually a Giant Fossil and gives it to the player, who has Reese Drake revive it.
- Nombre: Genio. Elemento: Agua. Primera aparición: (Ep. 67) Lugar donde se encontraba: Arabia. Movimientos: Hydro Cortador. Como se activó: En primer lugar, es activada cuando una gota de agua cayó en su carta. Quien lo obtuvo: Sarah, después Mihasa(Piratas espaciales) al final Max y Rex(Team D).
- The type specimen of Isisaurus colberti, ISI R 335/1-65, was originally described and named as Titanosaurus colberti by Sohan Lal Jain and Saswati Bandyopadhyay in 1997, the specific name honouring Edwin Harris Colbert,[2][3] but was placed in its own genus, by Wilson and Upchurch, in 2003.[4] It had a "bizarre" appearance with a short, vertically directed neck and long forelimbs,[5] making it considerably different from other sauropods. The humerus is 148 centimetres long.[2] Based on this specimen, Isisaurus would have grown to about 18 meters (60 feet) in length and weighed about 14,000 kg (15 tons).[6]
| - Nombre: Genio. Elemento: Agua. Primera aparición: (Ep. 67) Lugar donde se encontraba: Arabia. Movimientos: Hydro Cortador. Como se activó: En primer lugar, es activada cuando una gota de agua cayó en su carta. Quien lo obtuvo: Sarah, después Mihasa(Piratas espaciales) al final Max y Rex(Team D). Otros Datos: Una princesa árabe llamada Sarah, primero la confundió con una genio desde su huevo en una lámpara que se encuentra en una cueva cuando fue capturado por los bandidos del desierto después de que su caravana fue atacada. Más tarde, Mihasa la tomó y le coloco un dispositivo de control mental para así atacar a la Gang alpha y al Team D, pero después se volvió a hacer buena. Antes era conocida como Titanosaurus Colberti.Es el último dinosaurios de agua de la serie y el único que se activó de forma natural en la segunda temporada(Ya que a los demás dinosaurios los activan los Piratas espaciales),aunque Mihasa le controló. Categoría:dinosaurios del anime
- The type specimen of Isisaurus colberti, ISI R 335/1-65, was originally described and named as Titanosaurus colberti by Sohan Lal Jain and Saswati Bandyopadhyay in 1997, the specific name honouring Edwin Harris Colbert,[2][3] but was placed in its own genus, by Wilson and Upchurch, in 2003.[4] It had a "bizarre" appearance with a short, vertically directed neck and long forelimbs,[5] making it considerably different from other sauropods. The humerus is 148 centimetres long.[2] Based on this specimen, Isisaurus would have grown to about 18 meters (60 feet) in length and weighed about 14,000 kg (15 tons).[6] Isisaurus is known from much better remains than most titanosaurs.[5] Most of its postcranial skeleton is known. The skeletal material Jain and Bandyopadhyay found between 1984 and 1986 was "in associated and mostly articulated condition;" it included cervical, dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, ribs, pelvis, scapula, coracoid, left forelimb and other bones, though skull, hindlimb and foot bones were missing.[2] The site locality is Dongargaon Hill, which is in a Maastrichtian crevasse splay claystone in the Lameta Formation of India.[3] Dongargaon Hill is at Manjar Sumba, Maharashtra. Fungus in coprolites believed to have been voided by Isisaurus indicate that it ate leaves from several species of tree, since these fungi are known to be pathogens which infect tree leaves.
- There is only one Isisaurus fossil in the DS Game. When the player meets a man on the South Euro Plain, he claims a thief stole a statue and broke it up into pieces all over the world. After the player finds the Giant Legs, the Giant Body and the Giant Head, the man realizes it is actually a Giant Fossil and gives it to the player, who has Reese Drake revive it.