| - Dominic Santiago (born April 5th, 2006), whose real name is actucally Dominic José Gonzalez Cerveza Pepe Santiago, is (like his companion Marcus) an ex-ex-soldier of the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG), famous for his portrayal in the video game, Gears of War (GoW). Dominic José Gonzalez Cerveza Pepe Santiago goes by the name of D.O.M. which roughly stands for Dominance Over Marcus. This is due to the fact that the game itself (while revolving around the lengendary Anthony Carmine) allows the player to play in the campaign mode ONLY as Dominic (A cheat code unlocked by "AAA" allows players to mod their video game consoles to player as Marcus as second player).
- Dominic "Dom" Santiago, soldado comando de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Coalición de Gobiernos Ordenados (CGO) . Es un duro guerrero que posee una actitud positiva incluso en los peores momentos. Liberó a su mejor amigo, Marcus Fenix , de la Cárcel de Máxima Seguridad de Jacinto y lo reclutó para el pelotón Delta. Luego de perder todo por lo que luchaba, Dom se descuidó mucho, participó durante la Invasión Lambent y se sacrifico para salvar a Delta en la Misión a Mercy.
- Dominic Santiago è un personaggio principale di Gears of War, è un guerriero duro che ha atteggiamento positivo anche nei momenti peggiori.
- Dominic "Dom" Santiago is a COG soldier, and has been in some of the toughest fights on Sera whilst sticking side by side with his old friend, Marcus Fenix. True to his colors he is with Marcus yet again in a new fight on E.D.N. III but is this unstoppable team over their heads? We will find out.
- Corporal Dominic "Dom" Santiago ES was a Gear soldier in the Coalition of Ordered Governments army. Dom was the younger brother of Carlos Santiago and son of Eduardo Santiago and Eva Santiago. Born in a Pre E-Day Sera, he grew up listening to his father's war stories and going to school with Carlos and best friend Marcus Fenix. Dom later joined the army as a commando and took part in Operation Leveler. On Emergence Day, Dom lost both his children, and his wife Maria went into a deep depression and she later disappeared. Years later Dom freed his friend Marcus from Jacinto Maximum Security Prison and recruited him into Delta Squad. His battlefield intensity is rivaled only by his loyalty to Marcus. Dom's friendly and outgoing nature lets him form relationships with factions throughout Sera,
- Dom was the younger brother of Carlos Santiago and son of Eduardo Santiago and Eva Santiago. Born in a Pre E-Day Sera, he grew up listening to his father's war stories and going to school with Carlos and best friend Marcus Fenix. Dom later joined the army as a commando and took part in Operation Leveler. On Emergence Day, Dom lost both his children, and his wife Maria went into a deep depression and she later disappeared. Years later Dom freed his friend Marcus from Jacinto Maximum Security Prison and recruited him into Delta Squad.