Spencer helps a young Sunshine Girl, named Emily, win a bicycle by selling the most Fudge Balls in her troop. During his efforts, however, he is harassed by two older Sunshine Girls, who steal his place at a local supermarket. Sam had asked iCarly fans to send her money, (so that she could pay off a debt to Carly and Freddie), unaware that it is illegal to solicit money from minors over the Internet, unless a product or service is provided in return. Spencer came up with the idea of sending FudgeBalls to all of the viewers, so that Sam could keep the money and Emily would win her bicycle.
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| - Spencer helps a young Sunshine Girl, named Emily, win a bicycle by selling the most Fudge Balls in her troop. During his efforts, however, he is harassed by two older Sunshine Girls, who steal his place at a local supermarket. Sam had asked iCarly fans to send her money, (so that she could pay off a debt to Carly and Freddie), unaware that it is illegal to solicit money from minors over the Internet, unless a product or service is provided in return. Spencer came up with the idea of sending FudgeBalls to all of the viewers, so that Sam could keep the money and Emily would win her bicycle.
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| - Spencer helps a young Sunshine Girl, named Emily, win a bicycle by selling the most Fudge Balls in her troop. During his efforts, however, he is harassed by two older Sunshine Girls, who steal his place at a local supermarket. Sam had asked iCarly fans to send her money, (so that she could pay off a debt to Carly and Freddie), unaware that it is illegal to solicit money from minors over the Internet, unless a product or service is provided in return. Spencer came up with the idea of sending FudgeBalls to all of the viewers, so that Sam could keep the money and Emily would win her bicycle.