| - It is worth noting, the only possible way to obtain mew without the use of a cheat device, depositing a whole lot of Pokemon in My Pokemon Ranch, or attending a Nintendo event is to exploit a glitch. Mew is a strong pokemon, with decent stats but an insane level up rate, and not terribly fun to play with from there on.
* If you push, damage, or drive the truck hidden near the S.S. Anne in certain games, you can capture Mew. To open the truck, you had to beat Giovanni at any of the battles with him while a level 100 Nidoking was in your party. He would trade you the Nidoking for the truck keys.
* The truck actually exists, hidden out of view on the map. You had to faint on the S.S Anne to be able to get back to the area with Surf and get near the truck, or alternatively, skipping the S.S. Anne entirely, and trading with someone for a Pokemon that already knew Cut, instead of ever getting the HM. It is also possible to get back to the S.S. Anne by doing a glitch. To do the glitch you just have to stand in front of the guy who says "It set sail." By walking from the left side to the right and then quickly pressing start. You then save the game and turn your Game Boy off and back on. Don't do anything else except hit start and then select the pokemon that you Surf with and tell it to Surf. You will then go down through the man and be at the place before you go inside the S.S. Anne. You can then Surf and go to the truck.
* Naming a Magikarp "Mew" and leaving it at the daycare will make it evolve into a Mew.
* Magikarp evolves into Gyrados at level 20, not Mew. Mew neither evolves nor breeds, not even with Ditto.
* Freezing your game cartridge (i.e. putting it in a freezer) for a half hour or so will cause very specific damage to the cartridge which will add a glitched Mew to your party.
* A complex series of events involving giving a man near the Safari Zone a Nugget, using Cut on a piece of tall grass outside one of the caves, and using Fly just before a nearby trainer can see you will take you to a place called Cloud City, which is populated by the three Legendary Birds, has its own gym, and will give you Mew in a trade.
* The stories are notable for taking place late at night and draining your batteries before you can save.
* It is possible to fly just before a trainer sees you but you will go to the location you choose, as normally occurs.
* Interestingly, there actually is a legitimate method of obtaining Mew that includes this as a step, but it's a glitch, not an intended feature.
* Skip the S.S. Anne. Later return there, with five Golems and one Blastoise in your party, all Level 100 and learned Strength. Go to the truck you will see behind the S.S. Anne. Use Strength with all your Golems and Blastoise. The truck will open, and you can enter it. Inside, you'll find a Mew, Level 5.
* There is a secret shovel hidden somewhere in the game. Once you find it, you can reach the truck in the aforementioned manner; then, if you use the shovel to dig under the truck, you will find a Mew.
* You can take the "keys" that someone left behind in the Game Corner, and use them on the truck. Move it out of the way, and there's Mew!
* You can't actually take the keys, and as people know by now, there's no Mew there!
* In Generation III, talking to the 2 guys hanging around outside 6 times each would cause one of them to turn into Mew.
* In Pokemon Red and Blue, if your Pokemon holds a pokeball and flies to the first town you will get a level 999 Mew that will obey you.