| - Abba Barsoum was born in 1257 A.D. Abba Barsoums' history reveals that at his parents' death he inherited great wealth. His uncle coveted his wealthy inheritance. St. Barsoum did not quarrel with his uncle nor think ill thoughts toward him. Rather, St. Barsoum remembered the words of King Solomon, "Vanity of vanities! All is vanity... what profits a man of all his labor that he endures under the sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:2) His relatives encouraged offense at the uncle, but St. Barsoum refused. St. Barsoum unhesitatingly left his wealth behind and followed his heart's desire. He sojourned to live as a hermit in a cave near the Church of St. Mercurius in Old Cairo. History records that a large and foreboding snake lived in the cave he entered into and St. Barsoum changed the nature of the snake (see icon on the right). "You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra. The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot." (Psalms 91:13) Abba Barsoum spent his days meditating, worshipping, and serving others in the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Many people, including Muslims, sought his blessings. St. Barsoum being an extremely humble and pious man was not concerned with his material needs. He wore a simple goatskin around his waist for covering and therefore was called "El Erian" (Arabic), which means "the naked or disrobed." During one of the persecutions, he along with other Christians were tortured and thrown into prison. In jail he continued to pray to the Heavenly Father on behalf of his tortured Christian brothers. Those imprisoned were released quickly and allowed to go on about their way due to the faith and prayers of this humble saint. His works continued to be ongoing.