| - Christopher Nolan is a British-American film director, screenwriter, and producer. Known for his unconventional and often highly conceptual narratives, Nolan received serious notice with his art-house crossover Memento (2000), which garnered significant critical praise and numerous awards. Nolan co-founded Syncopy Films with his wife, Emma Thomas, and they have produced all his films since The Prestige (2006).
- Christopher Nolan (né le 30 juillet 1970) est un réalisateur, directeur de la photographie, producteur et scénariste britannique, né à Londres (Angleterre). Après un premier et talentueux film pourtant passé inaperçu (Following), Christopher Nolan est révélé avec Memento. C'est un véritable bijou scénaristique qui va récolter d'excellentes critiques et apporter une certaine renommée à son auteur, lui permettant ainsi de diriger de grands acteurs comme Al Pacino et Robin Williams (Insomnia) et de filmer le renouveau cinématographique de Batman (Batman Begins) dont il devrait également réaliser la suite. Auparavant, il adapte le roman Le Prestige de Christopher Priest au cinéma.
- Christopher Jonathan James Nolan (born July 30, 1970) is a British film director, producer and screenwriter. He has directed such films as the psychological thriller Memento and the revived Batman film franchise, for which he has received considerable acclaim. Since 2000, Inception is the first film that Nolan has directed that is not derived from pre-existing source material. All other films directed by Nolan in that time have either been remakes or have been based on comics, such as the movies Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. He has garnered much critical acclamation for his most recent film, Inception.
- Christopher Nolan (Londres; 30 de julio de 1970) es un director y guionista de cine británico. Saltó a la fama con su segundo largometraje Memento, basado en un relato corto escrito por su propio hermano, Jonathan Nolan, que luego adaptarían juntos a un guión convencional para rodar la película y por el cual fueron candidatos Oscar en la categoría de mejor guión original. Se consolidó como director comercial con Batman Begins, su primera súper producción.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Christopher Nolan Image:Christopher Nolan.jpg Gallery Real Name Christopher Nolan Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] Job Titles Batman Begins; Dark Knight; Dark Knight Rises Characteristics Gender Date of Birth July 30th, 1970 Place of Birth London, England Creations Rachel Dawes First publication
- Christopher Jonathan James Nolan (born July 30, 1970) is a British-American film director, screenwriter and producer. He received serious notice after his second feature Memento (2000), which he wrote and directed based on a story idea by his brother, Jonathan Nolan. Jonathan went to co-write later scripts with him, including the Batman series and The Prestige. He also first collaborated with Wally Pfister, who would photograph all his subsequent films.
- Schon im Alter von sieben Jahren begann Nolan Filme zu drehen: Mit der Super8-Kamera seines Vaters filmte er seine Actionfiguren. Mit 19 Jahren drehte er seinen ersten Kurzfilm Tarantella, der 1989 auch im US-Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wurde. Später drehte er seine ersten Filme auf 16 mm. Sein Kurzfilm Larceny wurde 1996 auf dem Cambridge Festival gezeigt, ein Jahr später folgte der Drei-Minuten-Film Doodlebug. 2009 drehte er den Science-Fiction-Thriller Inception mit Leonardo DiCaprio in der Hauptrolle, der im Sommer 2010 in die Kinos kam.
- Christopher Nolan (nacido el 30 de julio de 1970) es un director de cine, guionista y productor de nacionalidad inglesa. Se caracteriza por tratar los principales temas de la psicología, como la memoria en Memento o los sueños en Inception. Se dice de este ambicioso director que «no tiene ninguna película mala», ya que desde sus inicios fue reconocido por su trabajo en su primer largometraje Following.