SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero is a prequel to SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden. It was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine as a brief ongoing feature, containing both a manga story and updates of early SD Musha Gundam model kits. The storyline focuses on the original exploits of the fathers from Musha Retsuden, the original SD Musha Gundam cast. The main character is Rekka Musha Gundam, a musha RX-78-2 Gundam.
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| - SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero is a prequel to SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden. It was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine as a brief ongoing feature, containing both a manga story and updates of early SD Musha Gundam model kits. The storyline focuses on the original exploits of the fathers from Musha Retsuden, the original SD Musha Gundam cast. The main character is Rekka Musha Gundam, a musha RX-78-2 Gundam.
- {| class="box message padded colored bordered type-basic" |- | class="cell-icon-35" | Image:Wikipedia-logo.png | class="text-medium" | This article uses Creative Commons licensed content from [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]]'s SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero article. The list of authors can be seen in the page history there. |}
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| - SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero
| - {| class="box message padded colored bordered type-basic" |- | class="cell-icon-35" | Image:Wikipedia-logo.png | class="text-medium" | This article uses Creative Commons licensed content from [[Wikipedia:|Wikipedia]]'s SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero article. The list of authors can be seen in the page history there. |} SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero is a prequel to SD Gundam Force Emaki Musha Retsuden Bukabuka-hen. It was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine as a brief ongoing feature, containing both a manga story and updates of early SD Musha Gundam model kits. The storyline focuses on the original exploits of the fathers from Musha Retsuden, the original SD Musha Gundam cast. The main character is Rekka Musha Gundam, a musha RX-78-2 Gundam.
- SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden Zero is a prequel to SD Gundam Force Emaki Musharetsuden. It was serialized in Hobby Japan magazine as a brief ongoing feature, containing both a manga story and updates of early SD Musha Gundam model kits. The storyline focuses on the original exploits of the fathers from Musha Retsuden, the original SD Musha Gundam cast. The main character is Rekka Musha Gundam, a musha RX-78-2 Gundam.