| - , Ichthys (イクシス Ikushisu?) is a novice scientist and expert musician born and raised in a lonely island in the calm belts by his uncle who was obsessed with the concept of flight until he perished of old age, he then continued to live in his bunker like house in hopes of escaping the island one day and learn about the world as his uncle tried many times before. With the promise of being able to explore the world and learn more about how the world is outside of his small secluded island he was trapped in, Ichthys joined the Chrysus Pirates and gifted them with a new means of transport.
- While some fish symbols predate Christianity, relating to fertility, female genitalia, and fish, this particular symbol seems to have been used primarily by early Christians to inform one another of their particular faith. Other reasons include the fact that the Apostles of Christ were often referred to as "fishers of men" (Mark 1:17: "Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.") Some other sources also suggest that fish symbol was chosen because the Hebrew pronounciation of "Christ" is very similar to that of "fish" in Hebrew.
- The Ichthys (Greek:ἰχθύς), also known as the "Jesus Fish", is a famous symbol usually associated with Christianity. Technically, it is the Greek word for "Fish". The Greek name of the fish (Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma) is a backronym for "Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Saviour" (which, in Greek, is Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ).
| - The Ichthys (Greek:ἰχθύς), also known as the "Jesus Fish", is a famous symbol usually associated with Christianity. Technically, it is the Greek word for "Fish". The Greek name of the fish (Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma) is a backronym for "Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Saviour" (which, in Greek, is Ἰησοῦς Χριστός, Θεοῦ Υἱός, Σωτήρ). Today, the sign of the fish can be seen on car bumpers as an open declaration that the owner of the car is a believer in Jesus Christ. Originally, the sign of the fish was a secret disclosure of ones faith in Christ in the context of State persecution of the followers of Jesus. Signs were common long ago and were not only appreciated by the mind as a symbol, but it was understood to be something that you participated in or performed leading to allegience to the reality behind. That understanding is expressed by the various signs in the Old and New Testaments. Early Christians could be spared by offering a bit of incense to Caesar or have their lives forfeit by refusing to do so. From that time and shortly after, Christians would offer incense to Christ (or the book of the Gospels, itself a "sign" of Christ), as a way of affirming and expressing that Caesar is not Lord, but Christ is the Lord. Because of this mentality, it is doubtful that sharing the fish sign was merely a way of informing some one else that you were a Christian. It was an affirmation of faith in a time of distress and it bound you not only to another, but closer to Christ.
- , Ichthys (イクシス Ikushisu?) is a novice scientist and expert musician born and raised in a lonely island in the calm belts by his uncle who was obsessed with the concept of flight until he perished of old age, he then continued to live in his bunker like house in hopes of escaping the island one day and learn about the world as his uncle tried many times before. By living with his uncle from a young age and seeing him experiment and build various flying apparatus Ichthys became well versed in dynamics and thermodynamics and all the concepts involving it, making him what could be called of a scientist without a doctorate, his knowledge on this field is rivaled by few in the world as the technology for flight is not one of the most studied as of yet. And thus he helped his uncle build his most prized air craft, a living plane. Because of the circunstances of the island only Ichthys and his uncle were able to live on the small mostly metallic island who only had a very select few plants, the Polar Flora. The consumption of these plants were their only option for sustenance. By eating these plants from young age ichthys' nervous system became super human in it's working allowing Ichthys to process information much much quicker then any normal human and by consequence his reaction speed is godly, this was only explored by ichthys apparent genius music talent as he could interpret the songs and play it with incredible speed and precision, until he encountered the Chrysus Pirates and he learned just how fast his reflexes were. His encounter with The Chrysus Pirates however made it very clear of a dark side of his he didn't even know he had, upon sleeping he enters a trance which allows him to access higher cognitive functions and enhanced physical abilities, however he is incapable of conscious thought or comunication and will simply do whatever task he needs to do that Ichthys left for him. Ichthys uses his violin to lullaby himself to sleep and give orders to his split and thus making the basics of his fighting. With the promise of being able to explore the world and learn more about how the world is outside of his small secluded island he was trapped in, Ichthys joined the Chrysus Pirates and gifted them with a new means of transport.
- While some fish symbols predate Christianity, relating to fertility, female genitalia, and fish, this particular symbol seems to have been used primarily by early Christians to inform one another of their particular faith. It is believed that societies of Christians in the early Roman Empire, prior to the Edict of Milan, protected their congregations by keeping their meetings secret. In order to point the way to ever-changing meeting places, they developed a symbol which adherents would readily recognize, and which they could scratch on rocks, walls and the like, in advance of a meeting. Another story suggests that the ichthys was used as a sort of secret handshake: one person would draw with a staff a single curve, (half of the ichthys) in the sand, and another person could confirm their identity as a Christian by completing the symbol. Alternatively, one would draw the symbol, and another person would confirm their faith by drawing an eye on it. There are several hypotheses as to why the fish was chosen. The most probable is that it is a reference to the scripture in which Jesus miraculuously feeds 5000 people with fish and bread (Matthew 14:15-21, Luke 9:12-17, and John 6:4-13). The ichthys also may relate to Jesus as a "fisher of men," or an acronym of the Greek letters ΙΧΘΥΣ (Iota Chi Theta Upsilon Sigma) to the statement of Christian faith "᾿Ιησοῦς Χριστὸς Θεοῦ Υἱὸς Σωτήρ" (Iēsous Christos Theou Huios Sōtēr: "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior"). Though there is no direct evidence, the ichthys may simply be an adaptation of the mystic/mathematical symbol known as the Vesica piscis. The length-height ratio of the vesica piscis, as expressed by the mystic and mathematician Pythagoras, is 153:265, a mystical number known as "the measure of the fish." In the biblical story in which Jesus aids his disciples to catch fish, Jesus catches exactly 153 fish. Other reasons include the fact that the Apostles of Christ were often referred to as "fishers of men" (Mark 1:17: "Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.") Some other sources also suggest that fish symbol was chosen because the Hebrew pronounciation of "Christ" is very similar to that of "fish" in Hebrew. Some theories about the Historicity of Jesus suggest that Christianity adopted certain beliefs and practices as a syncretism of certain mystery religions, and this may be the origin of the Icthys into Christian circles. However, there is very little evidence of such mystery religions surfacing until after the rise of Christianity.