| - A Status Effect is a game mechanic which can affect a Player or mob, and can be either beneficial or detrimental. Status effects temporarily modify things such as movement, damage, Health, visibility, loot, or other player actions. A status effect is similar to an item enchantment, only it affects the character directly, as opposed to granting the player an effect based on an item they happen to be using. Status effects also have a set time limit, opposed to enchantments, which last indefinitely until the item is destroyed or unequipped.
- In role-playing games, a status effect is a temporary modification to a game character’s original set of stats that usually comes into play when special powers and abilities (such as spells) are used, often during combat. It appears in numerous computer and video games of many genres, most commonly in role-playing video games. The term status effect can be applied both to changes that provide a character an advantage (increased attributes, defensive barriers, regeneration), and those that hinder the character (decreased attributes, incapacitation, degeneration). Especially in MMORPGs, beneficial effects are referred to as buffs, and hindering effects are called debuffs.
- In the Bistro Recipe games, players can throw different ingredient items at their own and their opponent's Foodon to buff or debuff them. Some ingredients will inflict status effects depending on what Foodon they are thrown at. File:Confused status.png Confusion - occasionally prevents Foodon from attacking File:Status burn.png Burn - causes gradual damage File:Status sleep.png Sleep - prevents Foodon from attacking until it wakes up Mold - causes gradual damage File:Numb status.png Numb - occasionally prevents Foodon from attacking
- Status Effects are one of the game elements in the Xenosaga series. They can either be positive or negative. Status effects are usually shown as icons in gameplay. All statuses can be reversed with certain Ethers or items. They can also be prevented with certain types of armor.
- One of a variety of effects that alter the behavior, in a negative way, of the being it is applied to.
- Status Effects, or Active Effects:
- Status effects are Gameplay-Elements found in the Breath of Fire series. A Status Effect has an effect on the character, either through Stats or other, and they can be either positive or negative. Several Status Effects can stick to the character at once, however just one of each will stack.
- Various skills can create status effects on the player or the player's target. Hindered Rooted or snared. Impaired Stun, knocked to the ground, or obstructed. Weakened Debilitated, corrupted, or exposed Afflicted Damage over time
- A Status effect is a temporary modification to a game character's original set of stats that usually comes into play when special powers, items and/or abilities are used, often during combat. Some of such modifications have a positive effect on the character, but most of the time they are negative. Positive status effects are usually referred to as buffs, while negative effects are referred to as debuffs (阻害効果(デバフ), Debafu?, lit. "obstruction effects"), which range to about 10-20 types. Many attacks have a random chance of dealing negative status effects on opponent which are generally not curable, unless the appropriate crystals are used. Most, but not all of them expire after a set period of time.
- A Status Effect is an effect that can be imposed on a target Pokémon during a stage. They can either increase damage (sometimes by a specific Pokémon type) or prevent the disruption countdown, if present. A Disruption Delay acts as a Paralyze and wears off after the number of Moves or Seconds available reaches half or below.
- The Chrono Series, like most role-playing games, has status effects, or conditions that affect a character's attributes or actions, whether it is for better or for worse. Some minor status ailments such as Poison or Blind are inflicted along with normal damage, such Wing Blow, while some of the more advanced ones have a separate spell or skill designated to produce that effect, such as Haste. Every status enhancement effects, at minimum one target. Some have an area effect that includes surrounding units.
- The effects of each status effect can be found here. Note that we have only listed the Status Effects that players may encounter when living in Middle-Earth.
- Status Effects appear prominently in the Grandia series. These conditions affect a target's actions either positively or negatively. Status ailments can be side effects of special moves or attacks but are more commonly afflicted by a magic spell. Add Status is a means of inflicting status ailments on enemies with normal attacks with the status ailment linked to specific weaponry.
- Status effect include any effect that modifies the abilities of a game character. Most, but not all, status effects show up in the Effects Monitor. Death removes all status effects except for Morale Boost / Death Penalty, which is altered instead of removed. Effects in Guild Wars can be any of the following:
- A Status Effect, or commonly called a Proc (an abbreviation of "Programmed random occurrence"), is an additional effect which may be triggered at random by a hit from a weapon or Warframe power. Status Chance is the probability that a hit will inflict a status effect. The base duration of the Proc will depend on its type, and whether the target is an enemy or another Tenno.
- Zazwyczaj Czarni Magowie są odpowiedzialni za wywoływanie efektów statusu, podczas gdy Biali Magowie leczą je, a także dodają pozytywne statusy. W niektórych grach Zieloni Magowie oraz Magowie Czasu potrafią dawać zarówno pozytywne, jak i negatywne efekty statusu. Add Status to metoda na zadawanie przeciwnikom negatywnych efektów statusu przy pomocy zwykłych ataków. Występuje ona w wielu grach Final Fantasy.
- Status effects are a recurring element of the Dragon Quest series. Status ailments damage, immobilize or otherwise debilitate a combatant. Almost every status ailment can be lifted with the help of a spell specific to that ailment. Many status ailments disappear immediately after a battle, while others can only be removed with a spell or a visit to the church.
- When an enemy takes either enough damage in a single hit or else any critical hit, it briefly enters a Stunned state. Running enemies will stop running, staggering back for a step, while attacking enemies will pause their attack. If the attacking enemy was charging an energy weapon, such as an energy beam or elemental breath, stunning them will abort the charging sequence, forcing them to start anew. Repeated critical hits to already stunned enemies can maintain those enemies in a state of perpetual stun, helpless to flee or otherwise defend themselves. This is called "stun-locking."
- Generally, Black Mages inflict status ailments, while White Mages can cure them, and also bestow status enhancements. In some games, Green Mages and Time Mages can bestow both status enhancements and status ailments. Add Status is a means of inflicting status ailments on enemies with normal attacks, that appears in many Final Fantasy games.