| - The mysterious xenos known as the Kinebrach were a species of simian-like humanoid aliens who co-existed with the humans of the advanced Interex civilisation for many centuries before the Great Crusade reached their area of the galaxy in the early 31st Millennium. Long before humanity had spread across the stars from their homeworld of Terra, the Kinebrach ruled a large and mighty interstellar empire. However, by the time the humans of the Interex made first contact with them, the Kinebrach empire was old and decaying. The Kinebrach were particularly notable for the sophistication of their weapons, which were quite advanced when compared to that of the Imperium at its height in the early 31st Millennium, though their military technology lagged somewhat behind. The Kinebrach, rather than go
| - The mysterious xenos known as the Kinebrach were a species of simian-like humanoid aliens who co-existed with the humans of the advanced Interex civilisation for many centuries before the Great Crusade reached their area of the galaxy in the early 31st Millennium. Long before humanity had spread across the stars from their homeworld of Terra, the Kinebrach ruled a large and mighty interstellar empire. However, by the time the humans of the Interex made first contact with them, the Kinebrach empire was old and decaying. The Kinebrach were particularly notable for the sophistication of their weapons, which were quite advanced when compared to that of the Imperium at its height in the early 31st Millennium, though their military technology lagged somewhat behind. The Kinebrach, rather than go to war against a more vibrant and powerful species, decided to ally themselves with humanity instead. Thus, the Kinebrach were taken under the wing of the Interex, with certain limitations placed upon them. The foremost of these was that no Kinebrach was allowed to carry arms, except in times of war. Those Kinebrach in the Interex military served as shock troops due to their strong, stocky build. The Interex's technology, at the time of that civilisation's first contact with the Imperium of Man, was very advanced, in some ways more so than than that of the Imperium at its height, and was one of the reasons the Interex was able to progress so quickly as a culture.