| - The arm coming out of the portal resembles Sepulchure's arm.
- ??? is an Intruder and the main protagonist of the fanfic Intrusion of a Self Righteous Fan. He is also one of the many hosts of the Sacred Gear Book Marker. ??? is a special type of Intruder who doesn't only invade the canon timelines but also fanfics that are about the canon timeline or not.
- No one is sure what this is, but there is a theory that is it is related to ?. "Nooooo!" "Yay!" "P-p-p-paper, please!"
- "???" on olento, joka elää luultavasti Ze-Nuilla. Luokka:olennot Luokka:lajit Luokka:ze-nui
- ??? is a mysterious character from the Boktai series based on Solid Snake from the Metal Gear series. He has unknown skills and hides items in his stomach (a reference to when Snake had hidden cigarettes in his stomach in the game Metal Gear Solid).
- ??? is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. ??? is the name given to a person of unknown identity whose only visible body part is an arm. Although the only thing visible on ??? is his arm, it might well be that his body is located inside the toilet from which he sticks out his hand. He is in constant need of paper for a seemingly obvious reason. The appearance of ???, or at least his hand, is similar to that of a Dexihand and a Floormaster from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. However, it is doubtful that they are related in any way.
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- "???" is a term used to indicate an element that has not been identified yet. Example: A Black Dracon with Darkness/Fire/??? has the Darkness and Fire elements along with a third element he/she has never used to the knowledge of others. ??? can then mean any of the elements other than Darkness and Fire, and will remain to be seen until the character's player reveals the element.
- ??? was an unknown mission character in the Merovingian mission Necromancy (Episode 11.1.5), where she was attemtping to snatch the Interface program away from the Merovingians, before they were to hand it over to carlyne. Silver was experimenting with something related to the Oligarchs. It appears to be a bluepill female somewhat past middle age.
- ??? was a party room at the Holiday Party 2010. This room could be accessed by all penguins by taking the path that lead southwards in the Town or the Plaza. Like the Forest, there were many trees surrounding the room. The room was somewhat small, as the large tree takes up a large amount of the room. The area seemed to be on an incline, as parts of the island could be seen behind the tree. The role of the ??? room during the Holiday Party 2010 was similar to the role of the Forest in the Holiday Party 2009, the Merry Walrus Party, the Holiday Party 2015 and the Holiday Party 2016, as there was a giant Christmas tree and you could throw ornaments, much like in this room.
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- prochain patch 5 .19
- prochain patch 5 .19
- ??? is a hidden stage after Mist Grove 3. It is found south of Submarine Shrine and east of Mist Grove 3.
- ??? is an enemy seen frequenltly throughout Chrono Trigger before an enemy is named.
- Unknown person, unknown Bakugan or unknown alien. In BMK series: Unknown New Battle Brawler Bakugan: Unknown Bakugan Attribute: Darkus Komand'r Kar'lloz appears in the episodes "Grand Prix", "The Invasion of Kha'rall" and "The Dark Lizard Surge" in BMK series as the unknown creature, but he presents himself in the episode "The Dark Lizard Surge". There are more unknown characters in BMK and in another series, to be announced.
- ??? is a mysterious man that helped you escape your prison. No one seems to know who he is or where he came from. He first appears at the start of Episode 2.
- ??? – ???????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ???????????????? ?????? ?? ????????? ??? ???? ???????????? ?? ???????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ??????????? ???? ?????? ???????????? ?? ????? ? ???????? ??????????? ????? ???????? ???????? ????????????? ?????? ????????????? ????????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ??????? thumb|300px|??????? ???? ? __NOEDITSECTION__ link= ??? ???? ?????? <a href="http://localhost/?title=%3F%3F%3F&action=edit§ion=1">http://localhost/?title=%3F%3F%3F&action=edit§ion=1</a> ??? ??
- ??? is a placeholder name used to identify a speaker who has not yet been introduced or is unseen by the listener. Most characters go through a period of having this as their "name". It is also often used in black-screen scenes. This isn't applied to certain characters such as Emeer Punchenbaug, whose name while unknown appears as "Some Guy" instead of the normal "???".
- Dieser geheimnisvolle Planet mit dem ebenso rätselhaften Namen ??? existiert in Kirby's Fun Pak und Kirby Super Star Ultra im Kapitel "Trubel im All". Er befindet sich zwischen den Planeten Äthera und Cavius (genauer bei dem funkelnden Stern) und ist durch seine geringe Größe leicht zu übersehen. Da es auf ihm keinen Traumbrunnen gibt, muss man ihn nicht besuchen um NOVA zu rufen. Jedoch kann man ohne ihn "Trubel im All" nicht zu 100% abschließen. In Kirby's Fun Pak heißt der Planet nur "?". Anscheinend findet auf dem Planeten auch der Kampf gegen Max statt, da in "Kirby Super Star Ultra" im Kampf gegen Max der Planet "???" angegeben wird.
- But beware: It may not be wise to randomly check any ??? that you come across. Some will spawn difficult monsters that you may not be ready to take on! But of course...if there's a button, there aren't many who can resist testing it... Please note this list does not include Dynamis zones, Assault missions, and markings left where a monster has fallen.
- ??? (手 Te, Main) est un personnage présent dans Majora's Mask, Oracle of Ages et Skyward Sword. Dans Majora's Mask et Oracle of Ages, il s'agit d'un personnage mystérieux dont on n'aperçoit que la main. Dans Skyward Sword, il s'agit en fait de la main d'une jeune fille fantôme. À chacune de ses apparitions, ??? se trouve dans des toilettes et réclame du papier.
- Aber Vorsicht: Es ist nicht immer ratsam jedes ??? sofort zu untersuchen. Es kann sein, dass ein schweres Monster erscheint, dem man vielleicht nicht gewachsen ist. Beachtet bitte, dass die ??? aus den Dynamis-Regionen, Entsendungsmissionen und Markierungen, die von besiegten Monstern hinterlassen werden, hier nicht aufgelistet sind.
- You will first need a "key" to be able to enter this area - the Essence of New York, that you will get for completing a series of quests in New York. Tip: after cheering up the Mayor once, don't forget to visit him a second time to get another interesting item! This area ??? looks exactly like the time-out-room where characters of rulebreaking players are teleported to by game masters to "calm down" for a while (temporary ban).
- This is a placeholder value used on the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia to indicate that the actual information is unknown, such as with some anime and manga cards or cards that have not yet been released. It can be used in a number of fields, including ATK, DEF, Level, Rank, Type, and Attribute.
- ??? (also known as "No Name Guy") has seemingly infiltrated FSCW as no one knows his origins. Due to his lack of build and wrestling prowess, the fans have yet to respond positively to the No Name Guy as he enters the ring. It’s said that when he walks down the aisle you can hear the sounds of crickets mating.
- ??? is a race of creature in the Water Civilization.
- ???(スーパーデラックスでは?)とは、『星のカービィ』シリーズに登場する場所。
- Bei diesem Quest, den man von Dr Estly bekommt, muss man ein hohes Level und eine starke Party haben. Am Ende des Mas Dungeon warten die sechs Wächter, die man besiegen muss.
- ¿¿¿??? es un personaje desconocido que aparece en algunos juegos de la Saga The Legend of Zelda. Se le da ese nombre debido a que la única parte que se le ve del cuerpo es su brazo. Es una mano que está en un baño y que pide constantemente papel.
- Primera aparición Primera aparición Última aparición Última aparición Última aparición Juego/s Juego/s Género Género Especie Especie Vivienda Vivienda Vivienda Galaxia Rey HP PC Nivel Estrella Ataque Defensa Ataque mágico Defensa mágica Localización Monedas Experiencia Ataques Ataques Poderes Habilidades Puntos de resistencia Ataques especiales Punto débil Enemigos Item/s Item de Yoshi Los ??? son unos enemigos de Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga que aparecen en la Laguna Burlona del Reino Judía. Estos enemigos son un Blurp con aleta y un tiburón huesudo, que se entierran y luego atacan de diferentes formas. Cambian de lugar para confundir a Mario y Luigi y no es posible saber quién va a atacar hasta el último segundo. El nombre de "Sharkbone" en realidad se basa en el material beta y aparece
- ??? is a small, star-shaped planet whose true name is unknown. It is hidden between Skyhigh and Cavius, and is not big enough to be seen from Planet Popstar. The only inhabitants of the star are Tacs and Bombers. It has a large jungle filled with exotic plants. The level is very short, and Kirby only has to go through three short rooms. The second room has Bombers which Kirby can get Crash from. The final room of the level is the star's exit. The room contains no floor, so Kirby must be careful. The final room only contains the Copy Essence Deluxe for Copy, and a Warp Star to go back into space. Visiting ??? before any other planet is advisable, since a player can copy an ability he/she doesn't have the Copy Essence Deluxe for.