| - It's a simple tale: Person photocopies self, or travels to an Alternate Universe, or another time. Person meets self. Both selves "make beautiful music" together. After all, what better person to be most intimate with? Probably more prevalent in fanfiction than in original works, but it's out there. Technically, any intimacy between a character and their Enemy Without will be this. Expect much argument amongst the characters, fans, and oftentimes even both as to whether this qualifies as actual sex, incest, or masturbation. Also known as selfcest, autoincest, or incesturbation.
| - It's a simple tale: Person photocopies self, or travels to an Alternate Universe, or another time. Person meets self. Both selves "make beautiful music" together. After all, what better person to be most intimate with? Probably more prevalent in fanfiction than in original works, but it's out there. Technically, any intimacy between a character and their Enemy Without will be this. Expect much argument amongst the characters, fans, and oftentimes even both as to whether this qualifies as actual sex, incest, or masturbation. Also known as selfcest, autoincest, or incesturbation. In Real Life, a person who would like to do this is a true Narcissist or, in truly extreme cases, an autosexual. Compare and contrast Opposite Sex Clone, Twincest, My Own Grampa. Note that this is not the same as A Date with Rosie Palms. Examples of Screw Yourself include: