| - "No, I am in control of myself. My anger is real but it does not decide things for me."
- "Gammer Wilde, I'm angry, aye, but I need not give vent to my passions."
- "Tis not wrong t'feel heat in your cheeks, my [lord/lady]. Yer blood needs t'boil a little 'fore ye get the apoplexies! So think on your dead prince!"
- "I won't say quell your anger, my [lord/lady]; in that Gammer Wilde and I agree. But think on mercy and judgment. Think of the Mother and the Father."
- "YES!" You sweep parchment and goblet to the floor, stand and let your chair join them.
- "Oh, but a little rage is better for yer body than a score of feasts and a moon of rest! Let yer passions loose!"
- "I find refuge in the Faith. Passion must be tempered by tradition, not inflamed by it."
- "Respect to you, Gammer Wilde, but I prefer the counsel of the septa."