| - The Family draconus has four major Genus: Greater dragons, lesser dragons (normally just called "dragons"), wyverns, and eywen. Each Genus then will have different species, differing strongly in size, colour, habitat, prey, etc. Dragons and wyverns were naturally indigenous to Elara. Greater dragons were magical mutations of dragons done by the joKara, during their centuries long war with the Valeri mages. After the joKara disappeared, the greater dragons remained (see Greater dragon for more details).
| - The Family draconus has four major Genus: Greater dragons, lesser dragons (normally just called "dragons"), wyverns, and eywen. Each Genus then will have different species, differing strongly in size, colour, habitat, prey, etc. Dragons and wyverns were naturally indigenous to Elara. Greater dragons were magical mutations of dragons done by the joKara, during their centuries long war with the Valeri mages. After the joKara disappeared, the greater dragons remained (see Greater dragon for more details). Dragons come in numerous species, but most have a length between 20 - 60 feet, including their tails. The darthaan species is smaller, usually measuring between 15 - 40 feet long. The structure of the open wing is very similar to an outspread human hand with a membrane between the fingers that also stretches between hand and body. The dragon's wingspan is 1.67 times that of their length (including tail). Dragons come in various colours, depending on their geographical and environmental locations. They have been known to be varying shades of green, blue, rust, bronze, white, and brown. Unlike their larger cousins, dragons do not have breath weapons, instead relying on their teeth and claws, and the occasional tail swipe.